Boy, is David Letterman in some trouble these days! With him coming clean about the Blackmail scheme by a former producer of his show, he got himself in hot water with former employees and the network and his wife. Methinks he's got a lotta 'splainin' to do!
John and I are on a quest to find sugar free beverages that do not contain Aspartame. Not an easy undertaking. We're also trying to find out if the report that aspartame is the cause of folks being misdiagnosed with MS and Lupus. Could explain the joint and muscle pain I get these days (can't possibly be from getting old and being fat) I'll let you know what I find out! AH!!! says this story is FALSE! We wondered if maybe the makers of Splenda and Truvia weren't the ones responsible for putting this story out there to scare folks away from those products.
My niece is getting married on Saturday and on that day she will become Patty Duke!
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that my youngest child, who is a freshman theatre major in college, will be portaying a dead slut in the one act play she was cast in. Last fall, she was Abigail in her school's production of The Crucible and the year before, she was cast as Amayzing Mayzie La Bird (the bird who find herself "with egg" after a vacation and leaves her egg to be cared for by Horton the Elephant so she can have fun and party) in Seussical the Musical. Do you think she's being type cast?? All these naughty roles!
Isn't it too early to turn the heat on? It's only the first week of October, but the temps at night are beginning to drop into the high 40s and my ass is cold! Fortunately, the days are still in the high 60s, low to mid 70s. Time to pull out the throw blankets and hoodies!
While I'm typing this, the TV is on in the other room. Craig Ferguson is now on and he's being very funny because David Letterman is his boss and he's supposed to talk about the top news story of the day and make fun of it. Guess what the top story is? You got it!! David Letterman! Craig is going on and on about how he's probably going to lose his job but he sure hopes he's funny if what he's saying causes him to lose his job!
So I got to work for 53 minutes today. I got to work, did my set up side work, joked to my shift leader that my OTLEs (option to leave early work) were finished and I could go. So she sent me home! I was kidding!!! Apparently the one boss has decided if you don't get a table by noon, you get sent home. It's ok. I'll return the favor when I'm shift leader later in the week.
Rio De Janiero, Brazil won the bid for the Summer Olympics 2016. Just think of the money that was wasted by our illustrious President and his wife as they flew to Denmark in 2 separate planes to try to win the bid for Chicago to get the Olympics. And Chicago came in dead last. The cost of the plane fuel alone could have been used for better things. And yes, I'm not a fan.
And what about them Phils! Winning the National League East Championship! Now we have to get past the Colorado Rockies to win the National League Pennant before moving on the World Series!. Go Phils!!!!
Hey! Want to try your hand at Random Tuesday Thoughts? Just pop on over to The Un Mom, add your name to Mr. Linky, then see all the other randomness that's there!

So it is you two who are spreading all those Aspartame rumours huh?
I am not a fan either. We'll leave it at that before I go on a tangent.
What's with the weather anyway?
It's going to be an early winder...brrrrr
Have a great RTT!
Are you tired of the Friday's coupons and promos yet?
Garret, they are never-ending. And we have some that can only be used at our franchise.
Hi Harriet! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Over in Spain, we don't hear too much about David Letterman.
53 minutes . . Grrrrhhhhh!!!!
if i give up my Diet Coke, it would be very very bad. You sound like you're doing really well and I could not be happier for you
Funny about your daughter.
And the weather; I want the heat on too, but I'll be damned if I'll put it on yet...
The Phillies...I can't even talk about it. Still crying on the inside.
Personally, I hate when the US hosts the Olympics. Too much going on.
I am so out of the loop Ihave no idea what the David Letterman hoopla is all about.
I got rid of cable 6 months ago so I don't know what all the David Letterman stuff is all about, guess I should just google it!! I love the site snopes, I love when people send you those emails about deadly things, I always send them the link to snopes.
It doesn't surprise me at all that Letterman would get caught with his - um - pants down.
Maybe the roles your daughter gets are her alter ego so she can act it out and not live it. Much safer.
Truvia (which is from the Stevia plant) is a natrual sweetener, where Aspertame, and yes, splenda top (sucralose) are artificial and laden with chemicals that does who-knows-what to us. Check out anything made from stevia! its a bit more expensive, but you also only need a 10th to gain the same sweetness.
I did my part yesterday and enjoyed a TGIFridays JD burger and sweet potato fries - it may have been free, but i tipped accordingly. :)
I would switch places with your weather in a heartbeat! It's OCTOBER and it's in the 90s today and tomorrow. WTF??
You think somebody in the administration would look at the list of cities bidding and think about it. The US has held lots of Olympic games, South America? Have they had any? Chicago didn't have a chance.
And Aspertame? Hmm, natural sugar or some strange mixture of chemicals? Stay away from that stuff.
Aspertame sounds like Aspercream to me— wouldn't want either in my cereal thank you very much.
Whats with the celebs these days ... too much aspartame?
@ Melanie D: I'm with you on Snopes. It's terribly annoying to get sent so many junk warning emails. Even worse when 6 months later you get the same one.
Good luck finding the sugar free stuff!
Ewww Phillies! lol!
Letterman will come out ok!
All your thoughts are great!
When you are crew leader this week, you get to choose. . . who stays. . . who goes. . . . YIKES.
I love Random Tuesdays.... and I really love it when any one uses the word "'splaining" -- it makes me giggle EVERY time! :D
Thanks for visiting me on my special day, I hope you had time to enter one of my two current giveaways.
hope to see you soon, Brandy
I understand trying to find sugar free drinks without Aspartame in them, I had GD with this last pregnancy so I had to go sugar free and it's not an easy task!
Great Randomness!
The PHILS won today, we are THAT much closer to the WS!
Don't believe snopes. It is well-documented that aspartame is nothing but poison. I know that sounds strong, but it is true. Former studies were even manipulated to have a postive outcome, so they could get approved-they threw away rats that formed tumors after ingesting it--that's just one example. Just trust me, stay away from aspartame--nasty stuff! There was plenty of proof long before stevia became a competitor. Don't believe them-they are the conspirators!
I agree you should look into stevia! I use SweetLeaf brand. It's the only stevia brand or sweetener with no calories, no carbs, and a 0 glycemic index!
As for Letterman, his show will survive,...but I wish it wouldn't!
Go Conan!!
I'm still laughing at "portraying a dead slut." :)))))))))
seriously lol'ing :)
I'm still laughing at "portraying a dead slut." :)))))))))
seriously lol'ing :)
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