First of all, I am going to be a grandmother in January!!! I couldn't tell you before now because the family wasn't informed yet (and her dad still doesn't know), and one of my kids reads my blog. My younger daughter, Danielle is going to have a baby! She will not be returning to college in the fall as previously planned, but will go to hairdressing school. This is something she was considering doing, and now that a baby is coming and college is 260 miles from home, this is a better altenative. Plus, if she decides to continue her college education in a year or so, she can work as a stylist while attending school, and make a lot more money than she does now working at a clothing store.
A couple of weeks ago, we were in the "Oh Shit" phase, but now we're getting excited about it! Things are sort up in the air where the boyfriend/father is concerned, since he lives clear across the state. Once I know where all that stands, I'll update you. Let's just say right now, it's a mess and leave it at that.
Dani is due January 19, 2011 and she'll be 20 years old when the baby arrives.
Last night, she talked to her step-mother about it and Maleficent will be there when Dani tells Daddy Dearest next week. And when Greg finds out that Maleficent has known for a week before he did, well.... she can deal with that! I have to hand it to Dani though. She wanted to tell each person in our family on her own and in person! And she told me as soon as she suspected. That girl is fearless!!!
So that is news #1. Now on to news #2.
Gina (my older daughter) threw her boyfriend, Gene a surprise 30th birthday party last night. What Gina DIDN'T know was that Gene knew all about the party (except where it was being held) and decided to turn everything around on her and propose marriage to her, in front of all their friends!! While Gina was in Ireland, Gene bought her engagement ring and it was kept safely at his mother's house. Last week, while they were at Tim's graduation party at their dad's house, Gene told Greg, Tim and Dani about his plans. Greg and I were not invited to his birthday party (most likely because the thought of me, her dad and Maleficent all being in one room together was too surreal to even imagine) Rather than have to choose which one to invite she chose to not invite either of us (that's my guess anyway). Last Sunday, Gene called me and told me. He said he wanted us to be there when he proposes. So, Greg, Maleficent and I all met outside the hall at 8pm last night. We walked in together, and after a minute or so, Gina was quite surprised to see us standing there! I told her we were crashing the party. Gina says, "OK!! You're just in time for cake!"
Just then, Somebody yells, "Gene is going to make his birthday speech!!" With that, he tells everyone that this party is NOT about his birthday, but this party is because today is the day that he and Gina get engaged! With that her mouth dropped!!! Gene got down on one knee (after taking a big swig of liquid courage, aka Stella Artois beer), and asked Gina to marry him! I think she was actually speechless!! She just nodded her head!!
This was THE BEST PROPOSAL AND SURPRISE I've ever seen!!! We're all so happy! I just love Gene and his parents! Now there's a wedding to plan and Daddy Dearest gets to pay for it!
So there you have it. Sorry I couldn't say anything sooner, but Gina reads my blog and Dani wanted to tell her about the baby herself. And Gina drove me crazy, making a bunch of guesses, but I couldn't tell her!

Wow, great news all around. Two daughters. Two rounds of congratulations.
Woohoo!! Congratulations!! A new baby and a wedding to help plan!! That is wonderful news!
Yay X 2!
OH Joanie, I couldn't be happier for you..for BOTH blessed events...
our youngest daughter just had a beautiful baby boy and he and her significant other aren't married either...but they both love that baby and each other like crazy and he has brought so much joy into every single member of our family already! I miss him so much (they live in Florida and us in Michigan!)But the baby daddy wants to move to Michigan so they can be by family and we really like him. They plan on getting married sometime in the future...but you know what? As long as he treats my daughter with love and respect and is a good dad (which he already shows that he is) that is all that are going to LOVE being a is the BEST! And then a wedding on top of wonderful! I am sooooo happy for you!
Such news! Such news! (Said in MY best yenta voice.) What joyful things happening in your family. It sounds like Dani has a good plan. Does Gina have an idea when she would like to get married?
Congrats Grandma Joanie! I applaud Dani for her maturity and courage!
The proposal sounds like it was awesome... once I got all the "G" names straight, and put all the players where they belonged! Gina and Gene, gotta love it!!!!
Congrats! Have you thought about what you're going to be called? My mom is "Mima". :) Have fun!!
WOW!!! I guess you DID have a little news, didn't you? CONGRATULATIONS on BOTH these amazing bits of news! What a happy time coming up for you and your family. Enjoy!
So much Nachas!
(That is yiddish for blessings/pride/good fortune er somethin')
Thrilled for you. Congrats!!
WOW, Woo-Hoo, High Five, Yippee!!!!!!!
What wonderful news Joanie. Your joy is jumping off the page. I'm so happy for you all. What an exciting year you have in store. This is big, big, big news.
Yeah You!
xo jj
congratulations of BOTH counts, mob & grandmother! lots of happy news.
congrats all around - that does sound like a fun surprise way of doing the engagement.
That is a lot of good news all in one post! Congrats left and right! :)
Wow, a whole lot of happiness all around! Congrats to everyone!
So cool, a grandbaby and a son-in-law!
wow. that is awesome tow great pieces of life abounds. i wish the best for both eht enew parents and the newy engaged...
And Daddy Dearest gets to pay for it...IS THE BEST PART!!!
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