In lieu of a Dear So and So, here is a riddle to solve! I haven't done a riddle in quite a while and I think I chose a toughy this time. If I get no correct answers by dinnertime, I'll add a few clues. Good luck!
The sleeping cyclops, by and by,
Opens up his single eye.
He quickly slams it shut again
As if the light gives him great pain.
Many times he will awaken
Until his memory is taken.
At his loss he feels no grief,
His job: To satisfy the thief.
What am I? and Who is the thief?

just a and photographer?? Stopped by via the Queen, great reading!
I'm commenting so I can get the answer. ;-)
I have no idea!
Hmmm, a digital camera and a photographer from The National Enquirer???
A camera is a good guess, or a pocket watch? Because he steals time?
Dang! I thought this would be a toughy! A camera and photographer it is! Y'all are smart!!!
Well shucks I don't get to guess now!!
My guess is a camera and maybe a photographer.
Can't get anything by you, Garret!
security camera. rose
OK, since no one can guess, the answer is a CD! No go back and read the riddle and it'll make perfect sense!
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