I'm sorry to have to tell you that my daughter lost the baby last night. She had gone to see a concert by Idina Menzel (original Elphaba in Wicked and original Maureen in Rent) with her sister. Their dad had gotten them tickets because he knew they both LOVE Idina Menzel.
They were on their way home to Gina's house in Wilmington when Dani started cramping, but she didn't say anything to Gina. When they got home, Dani went to the bathroom and saw she was bleeding. Gina called me right away and told me to get to Delaware ASAP and drove Dani to the hospital. I had just gone to bed and my son, Tim was getting ready to head up to bed also.
We drove to the hospital (nearly an hour and a half drive) and waited and waited and waited. Gina was back with Dani and only one person was allowed back there. They did 2 ultrasounds and it was determined that she did, indeed, have a miscarriage.
Around 4 am, Gina went home because she had to go to work today. Tim went to her house to sleep and I went back to be with Dani. The doctor came in and told us the fetus was 6 weeks (what??? she was 10 weeks pregnant!) Apparently the baby died 4 weeks ago, but it took this long for her body to realize it.
The doctor released her and we drove back home to PA. Now she has to see her own doctor on Monday.
She's so sad, we all are. They already had names chosen for the baby and I was stoked at the thought of becoming a grandmother!
I guess it was just not meant to be. It was just one of those things that happened. Dani did everything right. No caffeine, no smoking, no drinking, eating healthy, taking vitamins.
Keep her in your thoughts today.
Keep her in your thoughts today.
footnote: Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. Dani is very sad, but she's so strong. I think she'll come out of this okay.
Her boyfriend stayed up with her via phone calls and texts (remember... he's outside of Pittsburgh, we're outside of Philly and she was in Delaware at the hospital) until we left the hospital after 4 am. He got a few hours of sleep and drove here to be with her. I was glad to see he cares so much.

I'm so sorry, Joanie.
I had a missed miscarriage as well. My first pregnancy... I had lost the baby at 8 weeks and we didn't find out until 10 weeks. I talked about it when I gave my sermon a few weeks back (don't know if you had a chance to listen to it or not).
Sometimes, there just aren't answers. It sucks. I questioned everything I had done in the previous weeks... eating in a smokey restaurant, getting an x-ray at the chiropractor... and as much as my OB assured me that there wasn't some THING that I had done to cause it... I just desperately wanted an answer of some sort.
I soon had to come to figure out why that pregnancy had mattered so deeply to me and what it was that I had expected and I had to figure out how to move on from those things.
I am sad for you and for Dani... I have been there and this is a "club" that many women are a member of but no one wants the membership... so there is lots of support out here if Dani needs it... if you need it.
Oh Joanie...I am just numb. My heart goes got to you and your family. (((Hugs)))
I am so sorry. We went through this with the Princess before we got the OC.
They had not told us yet as they had just found out..and she lost it..
It's a hard thing to go through..for everyone...
No one in my family has ever experienced this sad event. I cannot imagine the loss.....or the pain for all of you. I am so sorry! Hold close to one another!
Joanie, I am so sorry for your families loss.
I am so sorry Joanie..Prayers and hugs!
Awwww, dang it Joannie! I now how excited you were about being a grandma...
now you will just have one more angel up in heaven watching over you and you will get to meet him/her when it is time for you to do so.
My daughter also miscarried about 4 years ago. She bled so bad, they were worried about her.....
but luckily she conceived again about a year later and we are now blessed with a granddaughter, Miranda....
so time will pass and hopefully someday she will also be able to get pregnant again.
My love and thoughts are with you all.
She -- and you -- are both in my thoughts. So sorry, Joannie.
Sorry Joanie! =(
Ah Joanie, I am so sorry for all of you. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
That is my daughter's favorite singer too, she and your girls have a lot in common.
Yes Pseudo... all Drama Queens!
Oh Joanie, I just read this morning about Dani's news and now this.
Sending warm hugs your way.
I am so sorry. I'll keep both you and Dani in my prayers.
Words just cannot express how sad I feel alongside you and Dani and all of you. So very very sorry Joanie girl. You were embracing this little baby's arrival with such pride and anticipation. But things like this happen and we must find the strength to carry on.
In God's time, Dani will be a mother and you a grandmother. But for now, just know that we all share your heartbreak and pray for a speedy recovery for Dani. With much love.
Joanie, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope that everyone realizes that when the time is right, you will be a grandmother. I know.....I lost a grandchild to miscarraige, and now have three healthy ones. Hang in there.
sorry about your loss. my stepdau. had a miscarriage and we felt the loss. a year later she got pregnant and now my granddau. will be 2. .my prayers are with you and your family.
So sorry about the loss of the baby! Give her my hugs!!
Big sigh! Sending hugs and prayers.
So sorry for you both, Joanie. I am keeping you in my thoughts. Someday, when it's time for her to have her first, it will be just that much more precious.
Oh Joanie I am so sorry. And glad that she is surrounded by so many loving caring people. xoxo
oh, i am so sorry. she and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. glad he was there for her as well....
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