I'm hoping this is the last update I need to do for a month, when John's next doctor appointment is scheduled.
He's fine, he's back to work and tomorrow he gets his first paycheck in 5 weeks. Thank God for his military pension that pays his rent!
They never did find out why he had that fever. It very well could have been the shingles trying to flare up again. He's now on Valtrex for a week (since shingles are known as herpes zoster) and Valtrex is also used for genital herpes, in case that drug sounds familiar from commercials (he doesn't have GH!). He got sprung on Monday night.
Tuesday he had an appointment with is oncologist and she is VERY pleased with his progress! He no longer needs to get blood work done since his white blood cell count, his platelets and his ANC numbers are all good.

Very good news ... sounds like everything is coming together.
Doing the happy dance for John... but does he have to go back to work so soon? That worries me.
I'm sure he's bored as hell, bu a little rest might make him a well man. Just sayin...
Love you guys! You know best!
I'll tell you Joanie, I used to take care of so many people on chemo or status post transplant, and sometimes these fevers just came out of nowhere and left the same way. But, as you and John well know, they have to respond to each one like it's an opportunistic infection and be aggressive.
So glad things are going well!!!
Alix, his doctor says he's good to go. The fever he had had nothing to do with going back to work too soon. He'd have gotten it anyway.
You keep posting good news. That's a good thing. Good for both of you.
Love the good news about cancer. every success is shared by millions.
keep us updated even with the good news...we love that!
So so glad that he is getting back on his feet.
It's great to hear that he is doing so well.
Yay! I'm glad things are moving to the positive side of the scale once again. Shingles sounds like a drag!
Hooray! You should celebrate his paycheck and go out some place fancy you crazy Virgo!
Woo hoo! Go, John! Very happy to read this!
Keeping up the positive vibes for you and John!!
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