I don't think there is an American alive who doesn't know where he or she was and what they were doing when they heard the news about the attack on New York and Washington DC on September 11, 2001. I was driving to Kutztown, PA to my job at the restaurant my ex-husband and I owned. I was listening to Good Morning America on my car radio when Charlie Gibson reported a plane crashed into Tower 1, the North Tower of the World Trade Center. They didn't know it was intentional at that point. It wasn't long before the 2nd plane crashed into the South Tower and the world knew America was under attack. I rushed into work and put the TV on. The employees and I spent the better part of that day and indeed the rest of the week, absolutely glued to the TV, watching in horror as the government tried to get a handle on this horrific event. Our business took a major nose dive as Americans stayed in their homes, afraid to travel anywhere.
I have a friend who was in the air, flying home from France on business when the towers were hit and his flight was diverted to Canada. He somehow managed to get his hands on a car and he and a colleague drove home. It took hours to get over the Canadian border.

Our restaurant was in a college town, and for most of that week, the place was like a ghost town. No one came out, whether they were afraid of more attacks or just glued to the TV for news. But that Saturday, we were so busy, with families... parents and their college children, coming in for lunch and dinner. You would have thought it was Parents' Weekend, but it wasn't. These kids had just gotten to school 2 weeks before and Parents' Weekend wasn't for several more weeks. It was just parents feeling the need to see their kids and spend time with them.
So that is my memory of September 11, 2001. It is a day that I will never forget. If you get a chance, visit Ground Zero in New York City. Say a prayer for those who lost their lives that day.... all the folks who were on those planes, the brave police and firefighters who entered those buildings, the people who worked in the towers, the brave military men and women who were working in the Pentagon in Washington DC. Pray for those heroic people on Flight 93 who fought the terrorists, knowing they were going to die, but realizing they must do this or many more would perish along with them. Pray for the loved ones left behind. Pray for the soldiers who are searching for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, that they find him and bring him to justice, one way or the other. Pray that something like this never happens again.

Great post Joanie.
I also scheduled a post for the morning.
You know, I've been to NYC four or five times since the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and it's always very emotional to make the pilgrimage to Ground Zero. If you go today, you will see a sight much the same of the past several years. Progress is very slow with raising the 9/11 memorial.
It seems such a pity. I was all for the twin beam of light which would have been in place much before now casting brilliant hues in the daylight and bright spokes of light at night.
Why is there still nothing there in remebrance?
Great Tribute and Wow that your knew two people Joanie. A very chilling day indeed!
I was driving when I heard about it on the radio.
Joanie, this is a great post and a tribute to all xxxx
Joanie my thoughts are with you and your extended family today.
Unfortunately, I was at work and didn't know about it until my wife called to let me know. It wasn't until the second plane crashed into the other tower that there was a big buzz about the office. We were sent home early that day and I spent the rest of the night watching the coverage.
Thank you for sharing,
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