It's after 3 am and I just got home from the hospital. Before John went to work today, he was feeling very very cold. It was roughly 75 degrees outside and the sun was HOT! John put on thermal underwear (top and bottom) under his uniform, then a tee shirt and his work shirt and pants and a knit cap on his head and he was STILL cold! He went to work and asked if anyone else was cold and his boss made him go home.
John took his temp and it was 100.7. Anyone else would take a few Tylenol and go take a nap. Not so with cancer patients. If your temp goes to 100.5 or higher, they want to see you, pronto! Fortunately John didn't take any chances and drove himself to the ER. Not the one at HUP, but his local hospital only 20 minutes away. (Matty, he's at Abington Hospital) At that time of day, it would have taken John 2 hours to get to Philly and HUP.
He was in the ER from about 4 pm to nearly midnight. They wanted him in ICU but we had to wait for a bed. A little past midnight, they got him up there and I was sent out of the room so they could examine him. They are afraid of infection. They took all kinds of blood and urine tests and I guess we have to wait for morning to get results. They did give him some antibiotics via IV while he was in the ER.
By the time I left it was after 1:30 am. My plan was to stay at John's apartment since it's only 20 minutes or so from the hospital, but I remembered I saw the cats' food thing was just about empty this morning, so I had to go all the way home and pick up cat food on the way. I live an hour or so from the hospital. If John is still in the hospital tomorrow night, I'll stay at his place.
I can't believe he's now spiking fevers! This was supposed to happen a few days after transplant, not on Day 28! Hopefully, this isn't serious and he can go home soon. I also wonder if his oncologist will want him transferred to HUP. I guess I'll learn more in the morning. I called out of work for tomorrow. If John was in a regular room, I'd have gone to work and gone to visit him after. But with him being in the ICU, I feel better being there.
Anyway, I'll probably have an update in a day or so. If I stay at John's tomorrow night, I won't have internet access. I'll post when I can.

Sending up prayers, Joanie.
Thanks so much for the texts last night. I hope John is more comfortable this morning and his fever has broken.
The good news is that it was a low grade temperature. The antibiotics should have taken care of it. Also, rest is the best medicine... maybe he returned to work too early. It's hard to tell, but I am hoping and praying this is just a small snag on his way to full recovery.
Love you sweetie! Hang tough!
Prayers, girl, to John and you.
Be healed!
Oh, jeez Joanie! Poor John. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
I hate to hear stuff like this. He sounds like a strong guy, though. He went to work with a fever after a transplant? That is strength!
Otin, he's a retired paratropper. What can I say? The man is crazy.
Speedy recovery please!
Thankfully, he was smart enough to go to the ER. You are his shining light.
Sending healing thoughts.
Sorry to hear of this setback. I'm am sure he will be back home in no time ;)
Still praying ;)
So sorry to read this today. Praying the source of the fever is found quickly.
There are so many ups and downs after a transplant. Hopefully this is a small bump in the road. He was smart to go right to the ER.
Hang in there Joanie.
We're all sending good thoughts and hugs.
Let's hope they get that under control real quick.
All the best to John and you.
Thinking good thoughts for John and you.
I hope everything is okay. It's good to know they're doing so much to find out what's going on. I'll be thinking of you.
Son of a Bee. Just when you think the sun is out, it clouds up.
Hold on, be brave. He is getting the best care and is on antibiotics, so hopefully this minor set back will clear up soon.
Prayers and {{hugs}} are being sent your way.
Hoping it's a small blip. Praying he's doing better by now.
I hope things are better now.
OH no. Joanie, I pray that everything goes well!
Crap and poop - hope you have better news by now. Bloody infections!!!
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