John had his PET scan last week to check for Lymphoma. He gets them every 3 months now because he had the kind of cancer that likes to keep coming back. Last summer, he had a stem cell transplant to try to kill the cancer once and for all. March is 6 months since his release from the hospital and his PET scan is showing NO SIGNS OF CANCER!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Cause for celebration!!!!!
This is such great news! John's never gone 6 months without the Lymphoma showing up!! I'm really starting to believe that maybe, just maybe the cancer is gone for good!!! Another PET scan is scheduled for June 2010. I'm not sure how long they'll watch him every 3 months or when they'll start lengthening the time between scans. All I know is I'm as happy as a pig in shit right now!

As long as you don't smell like a pig in shit... ;)
Joanie, this is very encouraging news. Just wonderful!
...and i'm as happy as pigs in shit for you both!!!!
Great news!
Pigs in shit is a good thing and I'm glad you both are there if you know what I mean.
How wonderful...congratulations you two!!
I'm very happy for both of you Joanie!
Do pigs really like laying in shit? I thought they just liked mud. Well, whatever they lay in, I'm happy too!
Congrats to you and John!
What FANTASTIC news!! Congrats to you BOTH!! Hope you just CRUSH June's results!! Now, go CELEBRATE!!
This is wonderful news! Pop the Champagne open!
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