Front: Patty and Denise Back: Margie and Joanie
Saturday night, I got together with a few friends from school... grade school, that is! The 4 of us were in school together from first grade, all the way through high school!! I've been able to get together with Margie every few years, despite our promises not to let years go by. We do keep in touch via phone calls and email, and now Facebook. What usually prompts a girls night out is finding out someone we knew had passed on.
I probably saw Denise on a fairly regular basis up until the time I got married, in 1981. I don't think I've seen Patty since right after graduation in 1973 (I know, Garret... you were about 7. no need to rub it in)
Facebook is a wonderful thing! Over the past year, I've slowly reconnected with friends and classmates. These small get togethers are so much more fun than a big class reunion! (we had nearly 1,000 kids in our high school graduating class. Catholic baby boomers, what can I say?)
Patty suggested we all meet at her house rather than go to a restaurant or bar. Patty and Margie still live in the area where we all grew up. Denise lives about 100 miles away and I live about 40 miles from "home". Denise and I spent the night, but Margie chose to go home, since she only lives about 15 minutes away.
The minute we all arrived, it was like no time had passed!! We were laughing and talking like we had seen each other yesterday. Of course, we had to pull out pictures and show off our kids (no grandkids for any of us yet), and catch up on our lives (Denise's moves, my divorce, Patty's daycare business).
Patty pulled out the yearbook and we put Facebook on the computer and compared before and after pictures of "kids" we knew in school who are now Facebook friends. So many people look VERY different than their 17 year old photos, some for the better!!
We laughed and talked and laughed some more and before we knew it, it was past 11 and Margie went home. The next thing we knew, it was 3 am! So caught some sleep and started all over again in the morning. Denise left around 10:30 to visit her sister and I finally got off my ass and left around noon.
I hope we do this again some time soon! You forget how many good friend you had in high school until you see them again after many years and can pick up right where you left off!

How wonderful! Five years ago, I called 8 other friends who grew up together and we began annual reunions at our place on the lake. We have such fun...we have it the same weekend every year (the last Saturday /weekend in July) and we have a theme for a costume contest on Sat. night. We giggle like kids...we have had Leopard outfit theme (we make it a rule to get most of our costumes at Goodwill!), pirate theme, hippie themes...etc. I get prizes from the dollar is such fun! I hope you can keep in touch with these friends too.
I'm so gald you had such a good time Joanie!
That is fabulous!! To be able to re-connect with old friends is such a blessing!! Glad you had a great time!!
Your very lucky to still have them in your life. I still haven't found any of my high school friends on facebook. I'm guessing they are all still too poor or just to busy.
Sounds like fun! I'm not very good at keeping up friendships for a long time, but would love to re-connect with some of my grade school (and high school) friends.
Margie looks exactly the same!!!
How cool it is to have friends like that all these years later. But you know what they say Joanie...
To make a friend you first have to be a friend.
Something like that. All I know is I'm glad you're my friend too!
That sounds so neat to reconnect with good friends like that. Now make sure you stay in touch.
Wow, I need to do that. Isn't Facebook amazing for getting back in touch? I've found quite a few people that way, but have yet to get together with them...
What a great picture ... you look really good.
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