I haven't done a Spin Cycle in a while. This one I like, because this one is all about me! Okay, I did cheat a bit and most of this is a re-cycle from my 100th blog post. I did have to make a few updated changes though, to keep it current. So, without further ado, a whole bunch of crap about me!
I'm the 4th child out of 8 kids and 3rd daughter of Marty and Regina.
I was raised Catholic, but I'm more of a lapsed Catholic now.
Even though I don't go to church any more, my Catholicism is still very strong in me.
If I stopped coloring my hair, it would probably be snow white (or close to it). ** I did let my color grow out. I saw this old lady in the mirror and flew to my hairstylist who fixed me.
I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. (Irish Catholic, can you tell?)
My oldest sibling is a nun.
Three of us have gotten divorced.
I have 3 children, a girl, a boy and a female Dennis the Menace.
I was married for 23 years.
I'm very happily divorced now.
My baby is in her first year of college!
I'm REALLY enjoying Empty Nest Syndrome.
In August, it was the first time in 29 years that I lived by myself.
I'm completely left-handed.
I used to be a hairdresser.
I've travelled to Germany, Austria, Mexico, changed planes in England (does that count?) and visited 5 islands in the Caribbean.
I've never driven further west than Pittsburgh, PA.
I've only driven as far north as Springfield, MA and as far south as Ft. Bragg, NC.
I need to see more of this great country.
I quit smoking on December 31, 1991.
I haven't touched a cigarette since.
I got my driver's license the day before my 28th birthday.
I love junk food.
It shows.
Three of my 4 brothers were Marines, one of them for 20 years.
My family REALLY identifies with our Irish heritage, even though we've been in the US since before the Civil War.
I was very nearly a coal miner's daughter.
I'm REALLY glad my dad came to Philly when he married my mom after WWII.
I've worked for TGI Fridays for 7 years.
I still like my job.
I LOVE John Wayne movies.
I'm a closet Charmed fan.
I secretly like Elvis Presley movies too (don't tell anyone)
I like to go to NYC to see musicals.
I've seen 9 shows on Broadway.
I've only seen 4 shows in Philadelphia and 1 in Wilmington, DE.
I love LOST!
I was never a pet lover.
I have 2 cats now, Cameron and Mason and my son's cat, Tucker is staying with us for a while, until Tim gets settled after he graduates.
Am I turning into a cat lady???
I think I'm addicted to the Internet.
I like to play games on pogo.com.
I've cooked, actually cooked, only about 10 times last year.
I thought I'd be sad when my oldest child didn't move home after college, but I'm not.
I hope her brother and sister follow suit. :)
I do the New York Times Sunday Crossword in ink and once did the entire puzzle with no help from a dictionary.
I can't whistle any more but I used to be able to. (I think it quit when I quit smoking)
I wish I could go on a cruise with my friend, Tina every year.
I went to my first concert when I was 34 years old and pregnant with my last baby. We saw Paul McCartney at Philly's Vet Stadium.
I don't miss my ex-in-laws at all!
Margaritas are my favorite drink.
Captain Morgan and Diet Coke with lime is a real close 2nd!
Green is my favorite color with red a close second.
I met Rita Moreno when she came into my restaurant in 2002
I used to own a restaurant called Whispering Springs and it was in Kutztown, PA.
We had a ghost named Suzannah Levan Kemp.
I may have seen her, fleetingly, a few times.
The restaurant closed on January 1, 2003.
I don't miss that place one little bit.
I have a friend, Margie who has been my friend for 48 years.
We've been friends since first grade!
I like finding new followers on Blogger.
I wish I could retire.
I think I'll have to work until I'm dead.
Unless John wins the Powerball lottery.
I think I want to move to a warmer climate in a few years.
I'm really beginning to hate snow and cold weather!
My favorite movie of all time is The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara.
My favorite suspense movie is The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment.
My favorite chick flick is Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo.
My favorite silly movie is Drop Dead Fred with Phoebe Cates and Rik Mayall. LOL!!!
When I was a senior in high school, I nearly joined the Army.
I went to hairdressing school instead.
I never went to college.
Have I mentioned that I really love John Russo.. a lot?
I'm excited to become a grandmother some day... but I can wait, GINA!! LOL
I may or may not get married again.
That revelation surprised me, because all I wanted 6 years ago was to get married again.
If I had joined the Army after high school, John and I would have gone through basic training at the same time.
I wish I had met him 30+ years ago.
I have diabetes.
I love driving my Pontiac Vibe.
To read other spins, visit Sprite's Keeper

Wow! after all that I feel I know you, lol. I don't know what a spin cycle is but after I am done here I am going to find out!
Wow that was a lot of info! I might have to read it a few more times for all of it to sink in. LOL!
Love the Quiet Man, one of John Wayne's best (I think).
I love the Quiet Man too and Drop Dead Fred is one of my all time favs...as well as Nightmare Before Christmas. I am a huge Tim Burton fan! Moving to a warmer climate is my dream as well.
Good to get to know you better. I like this "spin cycle"!!
PS Also an empty nester!! Lovin' it!
What a great synopsis of your life! I totally am in sync with most of it, (except my "baby" is 13...a few years to go until she's out of the house.)
Thanks for sharing!
Fabulous tidbits. Love you a little more now.
Whoa, lots of fun facts about you Joanie!!
Stopping by from SITS!
I could get to know a lot about you from this post. Great timing!
Great list! I love Charmed too. Back before we moved to FL and I went to the gym regularly, I would time my elliptical time in the evening so I could watch Charmed reruns while I exercised!
Love Lost too!
Do you want to try for lunch on 3/31? I don't have to work, but Tara would need to come with me... she starts break that day. She is a good lunch partner and conversationalist! (Either that or she will spend her time texting and tweeting!)
I LOVE Lost too!!!
I can't believe the show is almost over and this week's episode rocked!
You're linked!
these are so cool, i feel i know you already.
Wow that is a great list ... sounds like you have a full life :)
It's lovely and I love your "swiss cheese" punched border too.logo design
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