I've been keeping a secret from most of you. Only Gina, Alix, Garret and Liz knew about my secret, but now I think I'm ready to share it with the rest of you.
I've been on Nutrisystem for the past two and a half weeks. And it's working for me.
You may remember last year I tried Weight Watchers. That was not a good fit for me, not with my job. It was often difficult to keep up with my meals while I was working. Then there was that whole "I have to cook every night" thing. I cooked every night for the better part of 25 years and I'm so over that! Besides, my 2 younger kids were away at school and my oldest has her own home and life. Why cook for just me?
So I like to say I joined Weight Watchers and lost $65.
And John, that wonderful man, just couldn't see me cooking after working hard all day, so we ate out... a lot! And you know what that does to your weight. Even having salads at restaurants is usually deadly.
I've been seeing the commercials on TV quite a bit lately about Nutrisystem, so I checked it out. and liked what I saw. There is a Women's Diabetic Plan. The food is pretty good... some real good, some okay and some I didn't like. The company just dropped their price, so it's at least the same as if I'd buy my groceries and cook. Actually less.. do you have any idea how much food I throw away because I forget it's there and don't cook it?
One thing I discovered is if I try a food that I don't like, I can adjust my next food delivery and that's just what I did. I'm not a Black Bean fan, so the shipment that I'll be getting tomorrow for my 2nd month will have no black bean meals.
So I started on Monday, May 10. With my son's graduation on May 8 and Mother's Day on May 9, I decided that was NOT the time to do it. So Monday it was.
I was so surprised how much food I actually have to eat each day! It took a few days to get the hang of figuring out what I needed to eat for each meals (and there are 6 of them on the diabetic plan!), but now I have it down pat.
I prep my food in the morning, pack what I need to bring to work and I'm good to go! This plan is much easier to do at work. I have some protein type bars that I can have if I know I'm not going to be able to heat anything up (like a busy Saturday). I even pack what I need to take to John's!
We made a plan to not eat out at all for at least the first month. I'm saving him a ton of money!! We decided to go out for dinner once a month... a little splurge for us, and not worry about the fat, carbs, etc. but I know I'll be somewhat careful about what I order.
Oh! I forgot one of the most important things of all! My blood sugar levels are dropping! I was off my Metformin for months because my doctor is expensive and I needed to see her in order to get refills, so I stopped. I know, I know... bad idea. Anyway, I'm back on the Metformin. Last Monday, my fasting blood sugar level (first thing in the morning, before coffee) was 245 (100 and below is optimal). Yesterday it was 140. This morning was a bit high... I hope it wasn't the ONE BITE of a muffin that John had. So my numbers are dropping. I go back to the doctor in June, so I hope she's pleased with the results so far.
And as soon as this residual coughing left over from bronchitis leaves, I"ll work on starting to exercise again.

Congratulations Joanie! Sounds like the perfect plan for you. I'm happy to cheer you on.
Good for you Joanie!!! I know you will do great with this plan. My husband does it and has lost 20 lbs so far.
So WTG!!!
Yea for you! ox
I am so thrilled for you Joanie! Finding the right fit in diet plans is the MOST important thing. What worked for me won't work for everyone. So glad you gave it the old college try and moved on to something that DOES work. So excited!
I think finding a diet plan is like finding a good shrink. Some are on different planets and some just click. Whatever works, you know? Garret tried Atkins and was true-blue, but he wasn't dropping the LBs. Now he's on WW and doing great. I'm so proud of him too. And Liz! Liz is burning up the charts with her amazing weight loss. It just boggles the mind.
And now that you have made your quest public, you will get wonderful support and that will help you along the way.
You will do this honey. You will because you want to and you've found something that makes sense and works for you.
Go, Joanie, go! I can't wait to follow your progress and cheer you on along the way.
Casa Hice
A little change and a big change, way to go.
You GO girlfriend! Awesome news!
Go Joanie go! You rock it babe!
Me, you and Liz are all on different diet plans. Fun stuff.
If there are any other over weight workers maybe ask your boss to sponsor a biggest loser type event. I've heard of a lot of offices doing that. The company will give a prize.
Joanie you can do it! Blog about it!
And I totally agree with Alix- you have to find what works for you. Sometimes, it's making alife change and going with it, sometimes it's having a structured program that gets you started... whatever works, right?
I hope you get healthy soon so you can incorporate exercise because I can't tell you how much I love being an active person now!!
*cheer* *cheer* *cheer*
Hey, I haven't been around, but I saw your facebook post and had to come here to say CONGRATULATIONS to you! Finding a plan that works and keeping at it is so hard. You sound like you're really motivated, and you're gonna do great.
I'm so happy for you, (and for me, because a healthy you will be around a lot longer!)
I still have something to mail to you, and I promise I'll do it the second I'm finished moving. It will be a congrats surprise!
Congratulations..wow, that is fantastic weight loss for the short time you have been on it!
I have a ton of questions, Joannie!
I would like to look into it, but don't like the idea that you have to order foods you might not like..can you pick them right from the start or do you have to try them first and then not order the ones you don't like?
That's awesome!! I look forward to hearing about your progress! Keep it up! :)
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