I really really hate this cold!
This darn cold has really gotten me hung up this week. I could feel it coming on Tuesday. Wednesday was my day off and it really hit me. I called out of work Thursday, Friday and today. My fever comes and goes. Coughing like crazy. Blowing my nose so much, the poor little thing is really sore. Who knew a head could hold this much fluid? The one good thing is my appetite ain't so great. I just don't feel like eating.
And no, I haven't gone to the doctor. My insurance isn't so great and I won't have the funds to go until at least Monday. If I still feel bad on Monday, I'll call, I promise. The only time I went out was yesterday to take my support check to the bank (priorities, people!) I didn't even comb my hair.. actually I haven't combed my hair since Tuesday.
It's amazing how wiped out I am by this! For the past 4 days, I've basically sat on my sofa recliner with my tissues, water, tea and the remote, dozing on and off and catching up on NCIS and CSI and a few other shows.
Thursday night, I started with a headache that only be described as a migraine. This morning, it might be going away. I'm not really sure yet. It seems to come in waves.
To top it all off, I went to bed early last night and then tossed and turned until 8 am. I may have gotten a total of 2 hours of sleep. I finally gave up, got up, got a shower (THANK GOD!!) and came downstairs. I do feel a bit better after the shower. I made it as hot as I could stand it. I just hope I don't get the sweats again today.

I hope you feel better soon. Being sick stinks! Stopping by from Sits....
Hope you feel much better really soon - have a restful weekend!
Great post & great blog and looking forward to *seeing* you again next time!Happy 6WS!
Mine’s HERE!
Sorry you are ill...Feel Better Fast!!!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Oil of Oregano - 4 drops in a gel cap (can buy both at most health food stores, and I've seen the OofO at Walmart too). Twice the first day, then one a day for a week.
If you start taking it the second you feel it coming on, you won't get the cold at all OR it will be very minor. I take it myself, and I supply my group with it because we can't afford to not be able to sing ;)
Trust me!!
Feel better soon !!!
Happy 6 WS
Very sorry! I hope you get better soon!
I hope you get better soonest.
Mine is here
Happy Saturday!
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Awww..so sorry, Joanie! I'm sending you and John a big {hug}!!!
Sending virtual chicken soup. Feel better,
Sorry you feel rotten, but that's what you get for sucking face!
Oh dear! I too hate colds...and sounds like you have a virulent one! Be well soon and eat lots of chicken soup. It does help
I'm gonna knock on wood before I say this, but I haven't felt too afflicted this year. Of course, the school year isn't quite over, and I'm around snotty teenagers 24/7, so there's still time. Feel better!
Aww Joanie, I hope you feel better.
Double up on the OJ and vitamin C
Wish I could, Candy. No OJ for me. Too much sugar. I went to the doctor. I'm now on mucinex, azithromycin, prednizone and proventil. and lots of tea.
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