I didn't realize this until yesterday, but apparently, this "Winter Festival" that Dani had to be back at school 2 weeks early for is a Big Friggin' Deal!
I googled it this morning. The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival takes place in 8 regions around our great country during January and February. Dani's school, Indiana University of Pennsylvania was chosen for one of the regions. The point of the festival is to share ideas, hold seminars and workshops for schools to improve their theater programs. They also showcase performances from regional colleges. In October, Dani was in a production of a student written play called The Embalmer. This one act play was chosen to be performed along with plays from other colleges in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Her play will only have one performance, on Friday, January 15. I'd love to be in the audience to see this play again. I'd also like to be there to hear what people think about it, since I've seen it before and know what to expect. It's very well-written and directed. And it's very disturbing! When we saw it, back in October, it was one of four plays being performed each night. The Embalmer was the last one, and it was definitely the one everyone was talking about as they left the theater!
So, if you think of it on Friday, send good vibes to Indiana, PA and wish Dani and her cast mates good luck!

A star is born, even if she is a dead hooker. And I can say I knew her when. Sigh.
Hey Dani:
Break a leg. From one actress to another!
How very cool! Good for her!
Maybe there is a star in the future???
not really a hooker. she described her character as a dead slut. i think she was just really lost and misunderstood.
I sure hope so, Joan! She sure has the talent and guts for it!
How very cool!
I wish her best of luck!
Vibes will be sent and I hope all the reviews are great.
It sounds like a great play! A dead slut? I wish that I still lived in the Poconos, I would go see it!
Wow that sounds really exciting!
Good for her. And yes, Break a Leg Dani!
Oh Joanie, how exciting!
Best of luck to the "Queen of the Comment 2009"
How wonderful from one theatre mom to another...
Oh, good vibes coming her way! That's exciting. I acted in college and it was such an adrenaline rush.
yeah break a leg - I'll never understand that one. Wish her the best and most of all hope she has lots of fun.
"Break a leg" is a well-known saying in theatre which means "good luck". It is typically said to actors and musicians before they go out onto stage to perform.
The expression reflects a theatrical superstition in which wishing a person "good luck" is considered bad luck.
For the curtain call, when actors bow or curtsy, they place one foot behind the other and bend at the knee, 'breaking' the line of the leg. In theatre, pleased audiences may applaud in which time encore bows sometimes occur. On Broadway this is considered the highest compliment to an actor.
How'd it go?
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