I have a quick question about replying to those who comment on my blog. How do I go about commenting to a comment via email? Is there a place in my settings on Blogspot to do that? If I click on a blogger's name in my comment area, it takes me to Outlook Express. I've never used Outlook Express. I'd rather comment via Comcast, my regular email ID. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
psst! I have a friend who blogs here... her name is Vodka mom. It's also the name of her blog. Her blog is one of the funniest I've ever read! Anyway, she was nominated for the Top 50 Mommy Bloggers. It would be really cool if you could check her out, read some of her stuff and go over to Babble and vote for her! And you can vote more than once! As a matter of fact, you can vote once a day! Last time I checked she was ranked #6! Simply click here to go to the site. And check out her blog! You won't be sorry!!

I have it set up so that I receive an email for each comment I receive, then if the commenter has their blog set up to receives replies via email, I then can email a reply back to them. (Sometimes I will try to reply to a comment in email and the address shows something like their profile name and "no reply" - meaning they don't accept email replies to comments they leave.
Is this what you are looking to do?
If this is what you are looking for go to Customize/Settings/Comments, and all the way at the bottom you will input your email address. You will then start receiving an email each time someone comments
I think I know what your looking for. I don't know if blogger has it. I know two folks that the comments have a reply button, but they are both using wordpress.
Suzicate@Water Witch's Daughter
Angelia@Living, Loving, Laughing
They might be able to help.
Martha in PA gave you the correct solution. I just recently did that myself.
yep, you got the right answer...just be ready to get a bit more email. smiles.
I do what Martha suggested. I love having all my comments go straight to email and then just click "reply"!
Joanie, go to Dashboard, then Comments; at the very bottom, you'll see a box for something like email comments... type in your personal email address here.
When the email pops up that you don't want to use, just "click and copy" their address and go to YOUR email and "paste" their address into YOUR email letter.
Just be cautious- if you reply to the comment from your e-mail inbox, a lot of bloggers or commenters don't have an e-mail addy tied to their account so your thoughtful reply will go to "noreply@blogger"
Be careful what you ask for...I had it set up that I got the comments in my emails too, but it made for WAYYYY too many emails that I ended up having to delete...so I un-enabled that feature and now just comment back in my own comment section.
Martha gave you the answer. It's how I do it, and I find it so much easier to reply.
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