Yesterday I had to drive Dani back to school, 2 weeks early. The play she was in in October was chosen to be performed at a Winter Festival her school is having at some point in the near future. So the cast had to be back early. I think Dani is the only one in her whole building right now.
The reason I had to drive Dani back to school is because, on her way home for Christmas break, she had car trouble on the PA Turnpike. Luckily, we have AAA. Turned out, she ran out of oil and her engine seized. She had to leave her car at a garage, hitched a ride as far as Harrisburg with her roommate (who fortunately hadn't left school yet and was able to stop and get her). I only had to drive as far as Harrisburg to get her, 90 minutes instead of 4.5 hours. So her car is now dead in Breezewood because it'll cost $2300 for a new engine and her dad paid $1500 for the car. The man really needs to stop buying the kids cars on e-bay. For what he spends on the cars and repairs to get them running properly, he could have bought them newer, better used cars. But I digress.
We got everything loaded up, with barely enough room for Dani's friend, Karie to fit in the back (she took the day off from school to go with us. I was glad for the company on the ride home) Off we go! A quick stop at Wawa (like Turkey Hill, Cumberland Farms, Sheetz, etc for those of you not in the NE part of our great country) to fill my gas tank and grab a 20 oz coffee and we were off!
We made pretty good time, except that I had to stop at nearly every rest stop on the turnpike. Getting a large coffee after drinking a cuppa at home is NOT a good idea when you have a long drive ahead of you. This old bladder ain't what it used to be! I counted.... from the time we left the house, I went 5 times by the time we got to Dani's dorm. That probably accounts for why it takes me 4.5 hours to get to her school and it takes Dani 4 hours. Either I stop with the beverages for the trip or I invest in Depends.
Half the trip was on the PA turnpike, which was very light, traffic-wise and the other half was driving up into the mountains. We got off the turnpike at Bedford, drive to Altoona and headed on up to Indiana (PA, not the state). No sooner had we gotten off the turnpike and I saw a sign that warns to use caution, weather is changing. SHIT!!! I checked the weather for Pottstown (dry, clear, partly cloudy) and I checked the weather for Indiana, PA ( snow showers). They LIED!!!!! By the time we got to Altoona, it was snowing. By Ebensburg, the snow was beginning to lay and by Indiana, we were having accumulation. Now those of you in the northern parts of the Northeastern US and the Midwest and Canada, stop laughing at me! I know I'm a wimp! I really hate driving in snow. By winter's end, I'm OK with it, but the first few snowfalls, I'm driving with clenched hands on the wheel and a dry mouth.
Luckily, we arrive without incident. Dani found out her key card wasn't activated. So it's off to Housing to get it activated and back to the dorm. The girls grabbed 2 cart thingies to load her crap on and we brought everything inside This took about an hour. The plan was to unload, go to the grocery store for perishable items (her dad took her shopping for other stuff) The food hall won't be open for another 2 weeks, so Dani is on her own for meals. I really wanted to get moving back down the mountain. Plus, Karie was supposed to be home by 6 pm for dinner. There was no way we were going to get home by 6. It was already 3 pm and we had to drive slower until we got to a lower elevation and no snow. She called her mom to let her know we were going to be later than planned. So I gave Dani $40 to go to the grocery store, which is right behind her dorm and we headed out.
Luckily, my driving skills have improved and we got down the mountain fairly easily. The downhills always scare the crap out of me because if I start sliding, I'm screwed! But that didn't happen! YAY!!! Once we got to Altoona (which is about 100 miles from the school), the snow had stopped and after we got below Lancaster, we didn't even see snow on the grass. When we got on the turnpike, we stopped at a rest stop to eat. And that was the first and only time I used a restroom all the way home!
We arrived home at 8 pm, 2 hours past our planned arrival time. With the snow, it turned out to be a 5 hour drive each way. I sure was tired when I got home! I was glad for the company on the drive too. I'm also very happy that I have today (Wednesday) off from work! By spring, Dani should have another car, so I won't have to be making that trip too often.

So glad you made it home safe and sound. Life is always an adventure for you!!
Oh how I remember the woes of having a car and not being responsible with it and then causing my parents grief because of that. But that was so long ago......
Good you made it better late than never...
Of course your ex buys her the crap car and you get stuck taking her to school, right?
Glad you got home safe!
Wow, glad you made it safe. And I won't make fun of you for the snow. My tropical corner of Canada barely ever gets snow and when it does we descend into chaos.
wow. sounds like you had quite the trip! glad you made it home safe!
I seized an engine in my early driving years. Ugh.
Road trips are fun, but not in the snow! It was good to have company on the way home!
I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Heck I am from the FAR north and I still get scared driving in the snow. Luckily here they sand and salt the roads pretty quick after they plow it clear, so the roads are ok unless there is an active blizzard going on.
Then, we just stay home. ha
OMGoodness, that was intense! Glad you made it home safely!
Driving in the a snow storm is no fun. Glad you guys made it safe and sound.
If it's any consolation at all, the weather forecast for this weekend is hinting at snow. In FLORIDA.
Sounds like you had quite the ordeal taking Dani back, but I'm proud of you for surviving. That drive might have done me in.
PS: I'm pretty sure it's not Ebay's fault that Dani didn't get her oil checked and refilled. LOL. Every 5 thousand mile, Dani.
Two words.
Glad you're both safe
thankfully here in l.a. we don't have to deal with those conditions. Very scary for me.
Altoona - is that an old steel town? I'm thinking that was the town that a CIA guy was from in the book (true story) "Charlie Wilson's War". I might have it wrong.
IMHO - used cars - I think kids lack the appreciation of just having a car and if it's new then that spoils them even more. Now how used is another question.
I remember being so broke with my first car that I bought used tires from the junk yard. Not a safe choice.
Yes, Altoona is or was a steel town. I didn't see Charlie Wilson's War.
Most of the cars the kids have gotten have been 10 years or older. He always need to put more than $500 to get them running well enough.
Yeah for safe and sound.
Yikes! I'm so glad it worked out. And thanks for the heads-up on the Ebay cars. I was thinking of looking on there. Neither of my college kids have a car yet.
I don't envy you with that long trip. I remember the 3 1/2 hour one way drive to Lock Haven for my daughter. Glad you made it safely. Winter driving can be tricky.
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