Damn!! It's friggin' cold out there!
psst! I have a friend who blogs here... her name is Vodka mom. It's also the name of her blog. Her blog is one of the funniest I've ever read! Anyway, she was nominated for the Top 50 Mommy Bloggers. It would be really cool if you could check her out, read some of her stuff and go over to Babble and vote for her! And you can vote more than once! As a matter of fact, you can vote once a day! Last time I checked she was ranked #7! Simply click here to go to the site. And check out her blog! You won't be sorry!!

~stay warm...brightest blessings~
Cold here as well. I recommend the Slanket. It's far superior to the Snuggie. Cuddly pets help as well.
Thanks for playing 6WS and stay warm!
Yes it is freezing outside!!
Happy Six Word Saturday,
I am so over winter... hate being cold!!!
Hope you stay warm!
Perfect weather to snuggle and sleep in. Stay warm!
We are having one of those days ourselves!!!
You have my sympathies. Man was not meant to live in a climate where there is ice and snow. Personally, I hate winter with the white hot passion of a thousand suns!! (Well, ok maybe not quite that much, but its close!)
Stay warm!
Time for winter to be done!
yes ice hot is an oxymoron
i LOVE Vodka Mom. She's just the sweetest thing, and if you ever (EVER!) have the golden opportunity to meet her in person, RUN don't walk to do it.
How well I know the cold here too. Sending warm thoughts your way. I so agree about Vodka Mom. I will have to go vote! Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Slept.Ate. Had sex. Good Night.
It's that bone chilling icy cold.
Yeah it pretty cold here too, the wind just goes right through whatever I wear. Hope you are keeping warm inside!
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