Our word this week is Balance. It took me some time to come up with something for this word. Then someone was talking about their father suffering from Vertigo, an Inner Ear problem and I had my story!
A few years ago, I rolled over in bed and the entire room starting spinning like I had drunk way to much alcohol! (remember the spins when you closed your eyes after getting totally drunk? No? Well, it ain't fun!) I thought my blood pressure was too high because I had run out of my prescription and didn't renew it for a while.
I had a hard time with my balance at times because if I turned my head too fast, the spinning would start and my balance was off like I was drunk!
So I broke down and called my doctor for an appointment. I told him what was going on. Dr. R thought he was a comedian (he did have a great but weird sense of humor). Dr. R had me lie down on the examining table, with my feet at the head of the table and my head at the foot. My head was hanging off the end of the head and resting in his hands. He turned my head one way and I was fine. Then he turned my head the other way and the whole room was spinning!!!
He explained to me that in your inner ear, there are these little "stones" or crystals, and sometimes a few get knocked out of whack. Your inner ear is trying to get them back into place and this causes the dizziness.
So basically, my doctor told me I had rocks in my head, but he said everyone has them. (yuck, yuck!!) He gave me a prescription for something like Benadryl, which made me sleepy, so I only took it at night.
I told my doctor I was afraid the dizziness was from my blood pressure from being too high and he said, "Nope! It's all in your head!"
See? I told you he was a comedian!!!! Unfortunately, not long after, he moved his practice to another state that has better insurance rates for doctors than Pennsylvania does.
So every now and then, my vertigo kicks up and my balance is off again, especially if I turn my head too fast or try to lay a certain way in bed and the room takes me on a ride that turns my stomach!
Jill, at Jillsy Girl is the host of One Word Wednesday. Every week, she gives us a word to blog. We can write a story, post a picture, a poem, a song. Whatever we want! Check her out!! You can also see what everyone else is blogging about too.

I suffer from vertigo too every now and again. Drives me nuts!!
I had a horrible bout of vertigo in the months after my son was born. Truly a great example of balance!
So we all have rocks in our head? Hmmm, interesting. I've never experienced vertigo but can imagine it's a nightmare.
Now, I *have* to lecture you - take your blood pressure medication! It is not good for it to go untreated. I won't go into a long song and dance - I'm sure you know it. Just take it, please. For all your loved ones.
@Gigi, I have been a good girl about my meds and have taken them now for several years.
Never had vertigo, but heard it is awful. I have however had the spins.... I don't understand after the 1st time why any one wants to get drunk again....
Rocks in your head... LOL!
I've never had vertigo but i can just imagine how awful it must feel. And, who woulda thunk we all really do have rocks in our heads! We learn something new every day! Good to see you again Joanie!
Happy New Year Joanie!
Like Amy, I experienced Vertigo after the birth of each of my two children. It IS horrible - I felt so out of control and I hated it. You just never knew when it was going to hit.
Each bout lasted approximately 6 weeks ~ and in that time, I wasn't allowed to drive and struggled to get through each day 'balanced'.
The image you used struck me - I was thrown off kilter immediately. Great choice!
I've not had Vertigo since (touch wood) - but sadly, I can no longer go very high when swinging on a swing as it threatens my equilibrium.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this word. I'll be posting something later.
I dealt with vertigo through most of my 30's!
I believe having four little ones didn't help!
I love your header!!
My spinning experiences have been related to drinks or amusement rides. My wife has had the problem you described to the point of vomiting. Do you get car sick? She does. The picture you included could make someone dizzy. I enjoyed the spin.
My hubs got really bad vertigo few years ago....first time in his life. We had to call paramedics. I thought he's having a heart attack. It was really freaky.
My husband suffers from these occasional bouts - they seem to hit him at certain times of the year. Maybe allergy related? He tried some head-turning exercises (to clear those 'rocks') and they nearly made him puke! I'm glad my rocks are staying put, knock on wood!
Where's a slide whistle when you need one?
I got woosy just reading this :-) as I've a few light bouts with this as well. Hope you don't get too many of them. Yuck! and I don't mean "yuck, yuck." :-) Have a great day, Joanie. ~ Blessings, Janet
My mom gets that a lot too with the inner ear inbalance and crystals. I've seen the way it affects her too. :-(
Rocks in our heads? Hmmm, this actually explains a LOT, as far as I'M concerned!! Thanks!
Ok I have had (a looooong time ago) the bed spins. I can't even imagine how horrid vertigo can be -- I hope you don't get it too often. Question -- do you miss your doctor or his sense of humour???
Ain't vertigo fun? Been there; done that an' I can think of about fifteen-eleven other things that I'd rather be doin'. Hang in there.
~ Yaya
Hi, Joanie!
I have had the exact same thing!!
Balance (physically, anyway!) has always been an issue for me. After falling in the street three years ago (granted, the snow had a lot to do with it) and twisting the h*ll out of my ankle, I started yoga.
I'm better now. :-)
i think balance is a great word for the year...ugh...sorry you have to go through that...mine is probably more balanced approach to life...
I have had that same problem before, and my son had it, too. He went to the doctors and was told the same thing as he and I also have rocks in our heads!
Went through that once and had to crawl down the hall and back to bed for a day. Got up the next morning and all was well, vertigo sucks.
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