As if you all didn't know, this word is a no brainer for me. Just look at my header!
This actually all began 29 years ago, on my honeymoon in Acapulco, Mexico. My then-new husband (now my ex-husband) and I had never even seen parasailing before. We thought about it, then both chickened out. We did, however, try to convince friends of ours, who got married 3 weeks after we did and also went to Acapulco on their honeymoon (copycats!!) that we did go parasailing and they should try it! They didn't bite.
Fast forward to 2007, Ocean City, MD. My 16 year old daughter and her friend go parasailing and again, I chicken out! I tell John, maybe the next time we come to Ocean City! He's a retired paratrooper with the US Army's 82nd Airborne, and he's dying to go!
So finally on September 22, 2010 (a date which will live in infamy... at least in my mind), the day after I turned 55, I did it!!! I soared!!! We went up 800 feet, as high as we could go! I figured what the hell. If I go up 400 feet, I may as well go 800 feet. And I'm with an experienced paratrooper, if we happen to get free of the harness. And I'm wearing a life jacket. And I don't see any sharks down below.
It's amazing how quiet it is up there, except for the wind noises. It was rather blustery up there. This was not long after Hurricane Whatever, and the ocean was somewhat choppy and the breezes were generous.
The ride lasted about 15 minutes, although we were in the boat for nearly 2 hours. There were 5 other couples going parasailing too.
Lift off!!!
Look at my face!! Oh my!!!
Up we go!
800 feet in the air! Everything looks so small from up there!
Coming in for our landing
That really was quite fun! And I plan to soar again!
I did take a little bit of pleasure, texting my ex to let him know I did it. He said he'd have had a heart attack! wimp.
Jill, at Jillsy Girl is the host of One Word Wednesday. Every week, she gives us a word to blog. We can write a story, post a picture, a poem, a song. Whatever we want! Check her out!! You can also see what everyone else is blogging about too.

I went parasailing on my FIRST honeymoon and we are divorced too!
You were smart to do it before you got married...
I have to say it was an absolute delight! I did it again in Mexico with My Guy and Frick. We were sitting in one of those bench type things. So peaceful and beautiful up there!
Ha! I never realized that was what you were doing in your photo! Now, that I think about it, what the heck DID I think you were doing?? LOL!! It's so obvious from the photos that you had the time of your life! So, when will you be doing it again??
Hubby and I will have to do it sometime when we're at the beach!
So fun! Also try zip lines sometime!
Good story. I thought your header pic was from some carnival type ride. Since John has jumped for a living you should go on a tandem jump. I hope to do a tandem jump someday.
@Lisleman, John says he won't pay to do something he was paid to do for 20 years.
@Garret, actually I just might do that!
@Jill, I might have to change my header photo so everyone can see what it is we're doing! You're the second one to not realize I was parasailing!
@Candy, I'm not married again and might never remarry. Not in the foreseeable future anyway.
and, for the record, there is no way in hell I will EVER intentionally jump out of an airplane!
Sorry you waited so long - now what other thngs have you put off?
Many,many years ago, I soared in Acapulco too. I remember feeling so alone high in the air. It was sooo quiet. The men in the boat kept watching me and I was wishing they'd quit looking up and watch for all those big rocks in the water. I'd do it again for sure.
ooooh you brave girl!!!!!
I admire your courage. I know I will not do that. I don't even to the rides at Cedar Point, Six Flags, etc. Because my husband works on a Marine base and I am surrounded by Marines... I say Ooh Rah to you! You went for it.
What amazing pictures! I couldn't do that.
wow! looks like great fun...i have always wanted to hang glad, but have never been brave enough to do it. parasailing would be out for me, I am afraid of the water!
you are brave, and it looks like you had a wonderful time!
Oh, Joanie, good gravy you've got guts...parasailing 800 feet above the water! I won't even jump off a diving board. Thanks for sharing the thrill...I think :0
Jan @ Mavrik Lane
This looks like so much fun - I'm determined to do it one day. And for the record, I knew what you were doing in your banner photo! But maybe one of the others would show it more clearly.
The older I get, the more chicken I get. I admire you for taking the plunge, er, the lift-off, er whatever! Good for you!
That looks like fun. I would parasail. I would never parachute, but parasail, yep.
That's awesome, Joanie-- But I'll live vicariously through you. I'm too afraid of heights to even think about it. But you look gorgeous up there!
xo jj
This is such a fantastic post-I've always loved your header as I told you the first time I visited. You look like such a fun couple and now I know the story behind it.
I came by to thank you for your comment on my last post. Getting up and finding comments from people is much nicer than writing the post. It gives you a real feel of comradry.
Thanks again
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