I came home from work today (Saturday) to find a message from the Coupon Queen that she was passing on the Stylish Blogger Award to me! I'm thrilled to get this! Check out Coupon Queen's blog! This gal doesn't pay full price for anything! We could probably all learn to save money from her! Thanks Coupon Queen!!
Wow! When it rains, it pours! Marie at XMas Dolly also gave me this award today! Marie (along with 3 other folks) hosts a really fun meme on Mondays called Monday's Music Moves Me. They give us a theme and we post music videos that relate. It's quite often a real blast from the past!! Check it out!!!And thanks a bunch, Marie!!!
Now what I have to do are these 4 things:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Seven things you may or may not know about me:
1. I joined Nutrisystem some months ago, did well for about a month, got lazy, stopped Nutrisystem and gained all my weight back, plus 5 pounds. sigh.
2. My car, a 2003 Pontiac Vibe, was 8 years old on December 31. I have 129,000+ miles on it. I love my Vibe! I hope we have many more happy years together. Guess I should get that oil changed!
3. I used to own a restaurant with my then-husband. It was alleged to be haunted by the daughter of the original owner, who built the place in 1740. I may or may not have seen her from time to time.
4. I used to be a hair stylist, back in the 1970s and 1980s. My license lapsed at some point.
5. I finally agreed to meet my ex's trophy wife (after 6 years) when our son graduated from college this past May. I actually hugged her and did not do anything nasty to her (although fantasizing about it was fun!). I even shocked myself!! ( to explain, my ex left me for her and she's considerably younger than me)
6. I would move to a warm climate in a heartbeat! I am so over cold weather and , oil bills and snow! I envy my childhood friend who lives in the British Virgin Islands!
7. I didn't learn how to drive until just before my 28th birthday! Now I'll drive anywhere but Manhattan!
I would like to pass this award onto the following:
FibromyWHAT? Ann Again... and again From "The Acres of Misfits" Socrates Book Review The Beckers The Shewbridges of Central Florida Yaya's Home Beatrice Banks Jillsy Girl It's A Dog's Life Keenly Kristin Never Growing Old Jingle The Book Vixen
Mrs. Claus

Thank you! That was very nice.
I'd buy someplace haunted. I'm weird that way.
What a nice Surprise! Thank you so much, I am honored that you thought about me!
Have a great weekend,
BTW, my Granddaughter said she loves your backgrounds it is her favorite color!
Thank you Joanie! I wish my hubby's X wife would have an ounce of civility after 20 years. She's still as rotten today as she was 20 years ago.
So, what caused you to finally decide to learn how to drive?
Joanie! What fantastic surprise! I am so honored to be in the company of these bloggers. You've made my day :->
Guess what? I didn't get my drivers license until I was 27 yrs. old. (Portland, OR has a great public transit system & I just didn't want to deal with the whole "car" tha'ng.)
Good job upon meeting the "Trophy Wife". You are a better person than I.
How sweet! Thank you so much!
@Jill, good public transportation in the Philly suburbs made it easy to avoid getting my license. Then my husband's grandfather died, his car was just sitting there, everyone else in the family had their licenses and cars, so I got the car! It was a 1975 Chevy Malibu (a real tank!). This was 1983 and it had 19,000 miles on it!
you are so very sweet, dear.
what a surprise.
I am tickled and honored..
you rock.
What a nice surprise for you at the end of a work day and a great surprise for all your choices. I'll definitely check them out.
Congrats on the award and thanks for thinking of me :)
Thank you Joanie!! You are so sweet! I loved reading all those things about you!!
Congrats on winning the award yourself!
Have a great day!
Congrats on your awards!! I didn't know you used to own a restaurant?
And definitely get that oil changed. We have done our every 3000 miles and our Toyota has over 290,000 miles on it. Runs like a champ!!
Hugging you
That is so cool that you got two!! :) I am so happy for you and now I am off to check out your blog nominees! I love the music monday idea, how fun. Congrats again on being a double winner!
Thank you so much Joanie! I humbly accept the award! You are such a humorous lady. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Sounds like ex didn't know a good thing when he had it. Glad to see you went on with life and have such a great attitude!
Congrats on the fun award!
I don't like cold weather either -- and we've had far too much snow for my preferences lately :-)
I'm a new follower and really enjoying my visit to your blog!
Oh, Joanie... what a sweetheart you are! Congratulations on your award and thank you for picking me, I feel so unworthy. I loved learining all those things about you, you are a remarkable woman.
Hope you had a great weekend.
Congrats on your awards! Well deserved, I'd say.
I, too, am done with the cold - although to be fair, I suppose it's not as bad here as it is there. So, I guess I won't complain.
Have a great week, Joanie!
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