Joanna at The Fifty Factor was doing her best to avoid the tasks at hand and did this meme. She didn't tag anyone but I thought I'd play along, just for fun. You should stop by and see her. She cracks me up! So here are my Eights!
If you want to play along you are supposed to:
8 things I'm looking forward to:
If you want to play along you are supposed to:
--Mention the person who tagged you.
--Complete the list of 8's
--Tag 8 others and let them know. (I'm not naming names either for the tag, so anyone can play along... or not.)
8 things I'm looking forward to:
1) John getting better ( that was a no-brainer)
2) My youngest going off to college this month (4 more weeks but who's counting?)
3) Work to get busy again (summer sucks for the restaurant biz, unless it's raining)
4) Seeing some new movies.
5) Having a girls' night out with my neighbors.
6) Catching up on my bills. (I'm getting there!)
7) The next season of Lost! (I know I have to wait until January. boo)
8) The new season of TV shows. (some of them look interesting!)
8 things I did yesterday
1) Worked.
2) Got Buffalo chicken pizza for dinner. yum!
3) Was thrilled to see the boy up the street finally mowed my lawn!
4) Caught up on reading the blogs (I fell way behind while I was at John's)
5) Got a decent night's sleep last night.
6) Unloaded some books on people at work.
7) Figured out how to add a link on my blog! (Thanks Patti!)
8) Did a little weeding in my way-overgrown garden.
8 things I wish I could do
1) Retire!
2) Get rid of the arthritis in my hip and leg. (then I could do those splits, too, Joanna!)
3) Get back to fighting weight (without too much work)
4) Win the lottery has a nice ring to it ( I'm stealing this one, Joanna!)
5) Go on a nice long Caribbean cruise.
6) Visit places I've always wanted to see, like Ireland, Alaska, Greece to name a few.
7) Go to New York for a few weeks and see the entire Metropolitan Museum of Art.
8) See lots of musicals while I was in NYC too!
8 places I've traveled to
1) Germany (twice)
2) Austria (once by accident, once on purpose)
3) Mexico (twice)
4) Connecticut (to visit online friends)
5) New York City (fun fun weekend with my sisters 5 years ago)
6) Georgia (to visit my sis and bil at Ft. Benning)
7) North Carolina (for my BIL's retirement from the Army)
8) Massachusetts (for my brother's wedding)
8 places I'd like to travel to
1) Ireland
2) Greece
3) Alaska (on a cruise tour)
4) Hawaii
5) the western US (John wants to do a train tour though the west)
6) California
7) Australia
8) Canada
New Spin Cycle just below this one! See? Right down there!
New Spin Cycle just below this one! See? Right down there!

Hey Joanie! Thanks for playing along!
If you ever get the opportunity, the Alaska cruise is one of the single best trips my husband and I have ever taken. It was stunningly beautiful and restful and inspiring. One week of seeing Alaska and I immediately hung the DO NOT DRILL FOR OIL sign up! It would spoil the incredible beauty.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! xo
John spent 4 years in Alaska when he was in the Army, and loved it! He'd love to take me there to show me, and I'd be thrilled to go!
Hey Joanie, finally catching up. Hope all is well with you and John. This is a great list and I hope you get to do some of the wonderful travelling you want to - and I will be ready to greet you when you get here - It would be fantastic!! Enjoyed reading this.
8 things I would like for you:
John to get better
John to get better
John to get better
John to get better
you to win the lottery
you to win the lottery
you to win the lottery
you to win the lottery
Thank you, Jessica! From your mouth (typewriter?) to God's ear!
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