This is a post from December 15, 2008. I think this video is hysterical!!!
Jennifer and Jim kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued.. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: the water meter, outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc., all to no avail. One day Jim was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally got out of his sick bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of the bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he recorded a video of the 'problem' for posterity:
Because I'm weird like that, I counted 10 flushes in that 2:47 time frame! The comments by the videographer are funny too! Mystery solved!
Jen at Sprite's Keeper has lots of cool spins from folks. Check it out and maybe add your own spin!

My Border Collie loves to chase the water from the hose when I water the back yard.. Thank God he never learned this trick.
Too funny Joanie. Loved the way it started my morning.
That is hilarious.. who knew the kitty liked a lot of fresh bowls.. too funny
Some much for taking money from the proverbial "kitty" to pay the bills! LOL
Wha the... ha ha
I have to tell you, I worked for the Departement of Water and Power. The way they bill people would blow your mind.
It has little to do with consumption. A total racket. I couldn't take it for more then a month.
They hired people like me to explain to consumers why their water bill wen't off the charts despite the fact they'd been vacationing in Europe for several months. grrr
I had to unhook my laptop and go running into the other room so that Joe could see that video. If I was smart enough to know how to embed things like that, it would be on its way to my sisters. FUNNY and I Loved it!
That is hilarious!
Bwahahaha! I know I've read this before, but it's still so funny!
I'm very glad my dogs are too stupid to do this, or my bills would be astronomical!
You're linked!
So funny. Loved it Joanie.
OMG, this is hysterical.
Bad Kitty!
Good stuff. Perhaps a kitty is not in my future...
You have to keep the water fresh, don't you? Thank God my cats are too lazy for this.
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