As you know, Alix has been quite successful in her journey to fitness. I had a question or two and I wanted her advice on Weight Watchers, so I sent her an email and before I knew we were chatting LIVE, on the phone!
I've been struggling with my weight since puberty. I've gotten myself down to fighting weight a few times in my life and I really want to get myself healthy again.
With John going into the hospital for a month in a short week, I'm so afraid the stress of that is going to make me balloon up and I want some help.
I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes and I have high blood pressure. Let's not even talk about cholesterol! I know someone who no longer has diabetes because she knocked off a bunch of weight. I want that to be me too.
Lately, I've been feeling OLD. My knees hurt, I have arthritis in my right hip and leg. I find myself walking slower. I can't run up the steps any more. In the morning, I have to walk down the steps one at a time, like an old lady. I am becoming my mother and I hate it! Enough is enough.
So, with all that being said, I've decided to join Weight Watchers online. There's no way in hell I'm going to be able to go to meetings. Not now. Not with working and driving an hour each way to the hospital for the next month or so. So I think the online way is the right fit for me.
I know, with my busy schedule, I might not be able to cook meals for myself too often. But a lot of the WW frozen meals are pretty good. I've had them before. I can also take them with me to the hospital because there will be a microwave right in John's room! It's a hell of a lot healthier and cheaper than buying that cafeteria food!
Last October, I joined Planet Fitness when one opened near me. I went, for a while, then stopped, then started for a few days, then stopped. You get the picture. I was all ready to quit. But it's only $10 a month. I think I'm going to wait on that. I'm thinking I might want to use the treadmill and bikes. It's cool in there. It's open 24 hours a day. I can go early in the morning. Yeah, I think I'm going to give PF another chance.
Anyway, wish me luck! I was going to keep quiet about this, but changed my mind. I'm thinking with posting about this, it will keep me motivated, with all of you watching!

Good for you!!! And yes, we will all be here to support you!
Joanie... I am SO PROUD of you, girlfriend.
I am a living breathing testimony that you can do anything you put your mind to. Losing weight is no easy task because it requires dedication, commitment, and accountability - all hard things. And all for the long term, but the rewards are immeasurable. You will not regret this, Joanie. I promise. The health benefits of reducing excess weight are amazing, and by Christmas, you will be feeling great and very well could be closing in on your goal.
Remember - it's not a race, but a lifestyle change. Wrap your mind around the fact that eating healthily and well and getting a little exercise are kind things you do for yourself. Before you know it, you will actually enjoy those new habits and healthy choices.
I loved our conversation last night and am looking forward to the next time we chat. I'm here for you 24/7/365! You are a delight and I just know you are going to succeed in your diet adventure. Don't forget to blog it! The encouragement you get along the way will keep you inspired and focused.
Thanks so much for your kind words and link to Casa Hice. I consider that a very high honor.
Love ya!
Great! I look forward to reading your SUCCESS stories and to be an inspiration to all of us!
Chanting "Joanie, Joanie, Joanie".
I'm sorry you had to speak to Alix on the phone. Hopefully you were able to stay awake.
Garret, the only time I heard her snore was when I was telling her about meeting you in Saint Augustine.
LMAO!!! You two crack me up!!!
@Alix: It must have been the part about Flagler Coll...Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Go, Joanie, Go!!
I was almost inspired to join you. I went to the website. But the cost... yikes! Not in my budget right now. I'm working hard with my friend Christy to get back to being motivated at the gym... so I'll just have to focus on that for now. But I'll still be here, cheering you on!
Go Joanie!!!!! Good for you. And you turned to an excellent source for advice and support. Alix is the greatest!
Good luck on your journey, I'm cheering you on from Los Angeles!!
Go for it!! (Found you through Alix, of course)
I look foward to watching you shrink! :)
Liz, I am with you. I went to the website and saw the cost a few months back and said, "No."
But, Joanie, I am a strong advocate for WW. I lost 110 pounds. It took me nearly 4 years. One year I did not lose a thing.
If I could name the top most thing that WW taught me, while on the plan, it would be selecting the correct foods to eat. It was a bit of a hassle for the first few weeks, reading, measuring, etc..., but then it was much worth it because I felt so very good! Get over the first few days of feeling deprived and you feel like a champ, believe me.
Now, I can safely say I need to lose weight again. Not 110 pounds, 20. I credit WW still, even as I have gained, I know I can succeed and get it back off. And you, Joanie, are inspiring me to get healthier.
You have a wonderful coach in Alix. She is an upbeat individual, one that probably would make a great WW leader. She already is a leader, without the job title.
Best wishes...and prayers for your husband's health as well.
I found the cost to be very doable. $65 for 3 months, then less than $5 a week after that.
Thanks for all the great support and encouragement! I figure I have to be accountable now! LOL
Joanie - how good for you to do this. I know the stress of visiting in the hospital - I did the three months thing and it was tough. Yes at our lovely age and I am just a couple of weeks younger than you - our bodies begin to rebel against us. I am also battling as I have since the baby (he will be 29 this month). Two years ago I was at my best - taking two to three classes a week here on campus - I even did a week of boot camp - really doing great and then my body gave out. I am not sure if all the exercise brought on the problems or whether its just a natural progression but it sucks. The two that bother me the most is the stenosis in my neck and the neuroma in my foot - neither allow me to exercise too much at all - sighs.
Ooops sorry I will move my pity party back where it belongs. Its so thrilling to meet up with online friends - I am having coffee on Saturday with Lori E - really looking forward to that.
Congratulations!!! I know you will do it!!!
Let me know your favorite weight watcher meals. PLEASE!!! I will stock up. The middle age weight has really been creeping up on me.
reconsider the hospital cafeteria, most have come a loooong way over the years, and have many healthful selections available especially at lunch time, cheap too. Good luck!
Good Job!
We'll be here, cheering you on the whole way.
Diabetes is scary stuff; losing weight and eating right can help to at least get you off meds, if not eradicate it completely.
Good Luck! You are so strong, you can do it!!
I started exercising to get fit and the best thing I did was work my way up to an hour a day on the stationary bike - hope you stick with the exercise, it is worth the effort both mentally and physically
Today I weeded part of my front garden for about 30 minutes. I was sweating my ass off! One section I have to do in the evening because there were bees everywhere on the flowers!
I used WW to lose 50 lbs. with each pregnancy. I was a hugh cow. The WW I used went by a point system that worked really well. I believe WW is the ONLY diet plan that will help you keep the weight off. It's the real deal and not a gimmick.
When I married Joe 8 years ago, I was thought to be anorexic by my fellow workers. I was just horribly unhappy and would forget to eat! Enter Joe: I got happy and gained 100 pounds. I started going to the gym and got addicted and got buff, and got happier, then the doctor said I was heading for a heart attack. HEY! I thought working out was GOOD!! Within a month, I had lost my muscles and tone. If exercising is what the body wants, then why do the improvements leave so easily???
But I have lost 30 pounds by cutting out sugar.....but then again.....I had to. I found out I was also a diabetic. arghhhhhhh
Good for you, what ever program that motivates you and is easy is one tha I like. I did WW on-line a couple of years ago and i lost 20 lbs. Unfortunity, I keep losing and gaining the same 20 lbs !
Hey there! First of all, congrats! I will be a cheerleader for sure! I bet you know from your phone conversation that the weight watchers program has a points system! That worked for me. I lost 20 pounds just following the points! I'm here for ya girl! Keep on keepin on and don't let a pound or two get you down if you fluctuate a little. That happens!!!!
I think you will be sooo successful. Joanie, I too havebattled weight my entire life. Weight Watchers is the only thing that works for me. I find that the point system teaches you to eat "real foods" instead of being addicted to frozen, substitiutes. (which once in a while are fine)
THE KEY!!!! to Weight Watchers is the weigh in...we all hate it, and you should see me, taking off my belt, shoes, anything that will make me even a millimeter of a pound lighter, but it is the one thing you must CONSISTENTLY stick to. Every week, without fail, even if you had a bad week. And honey, with everything you are going through (God give you strength) no one would blame you. Get on the scale, every week. You will surprise yourself.
I clicked over for a diet update!!! Now damn it!!! What weight watcher meal did you eat and please tell me that you walked at least a mile yesterday???
I'LL BE BACK!!! I want some action.
I plan to do an update every Wednesday. that's my weigh-in day. I didn't do any walking but I did work in the garden for nearly and hour, pulling weeds and stuff. The back of my thighs are killing me!
John and I went to Applebee's for our 3rd anniversary and I got the steak and portabellas (7 points!) and a salad.
You go girl ... I've always struggled with weight too.
Good for you!
I have been on WW before and as long as you stick to it, it really works!
As long as you exercise too.
I haven't exercised and gained a lot back.
I was thinking of doing WW on line,so give me more does it work?
What do they charge?
Good luck, Joanie! You CAN do it. One day at a time, girl. If you mess up it isn't an all or nothing deal. God gives us a fresh new day every day. Alix IS living testimony. She loves food and it was a change but she didn't want to fail. We're rooting for you.
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