Saturday, January 10, 2009

Home Alone

It's a little past 5:30 pm on Saturday. I just got home from work and it's so nice and quiet in my house! Danielle is at a friend's house, but I worry because it's snowing and the snow is sticking. Dani doesn't have much experience driving in the snow. I'm hoping she ends up staying at her friend's house overnight.

I did want to vist John tonight but there's no way I'm driving an hour in this weather. I was planning to go all day tomorrow, stay overnight at his place so I can be back bright and early for his surgery on Monday. Dani reminded me I have a Drama Club parents' meeting tomorrow at 4 pm. grrrr.... I don't know WHY I have to be there! I kid you not, this is the 33rd drama club parent meeting I've attended in the past 11 years! And my very last one EVER!!!! So I won't be able to go to the hospital until after. The nurses let me stay late, which is good because we keep it quiet, just watching a movie on his laptop.

That reminds me of a very funny story! When John was first in the hospital in June 2007, when he was diagnosed with Lymphoma, I brought a bunch of stuff in for him, like his laptop, books, movies, word puzzle books, to keep him occupied when I was working. (his family is not real big on visiting when you're sick..... or even calling to see how you're doing sigh) ANYWAY, one evening we were watching an old Jackie Chan movie that was dubbed in English (John calls these chop-saki movies). In these old Chinese movies, men and women alike get assaulted and of course, everyone knows the martial arts. So this lady is being beaten up in this movie and she's groaning and stuff, and the next thing we know, the nurse comes running into the room to see what's going on! So we show her the movie and she laughs and leaves. It wasn't until a little while later that we realized the sounds the actress was making while she was being assaulted sounded just like 2 people having sex if you didn't see the screen and only heard the sounds! LMAO!!! The nurse thought we were having sex in his hospital bed!!!! OMG!! We laughed so hard!


Irish Gumbo said...

Ha! EEEP! Great, now I won't be able to watch Jackie Chan without thinking about sex...

Hey, thinking about you. Hope the weather isn't too bad for you, and wishing you and John all good stuff!

Joanie said...

IG, only the movies dubbed in English. When a fight scene comes on, especially when it involves a man and woman (or men and women), close your eyes and just listen. It's hysterical!

Boozy Tooth said...

Yeah, but who would go rushing into a room where two people may possibly be being intimate? I mean, is it just me, or is that a little creepy. For the cost of a hospital bed, you should be able to have a freaking orgy in there if you want to. And what's up with the audio monitoring. Eeeew.

Joanie said...

Never thought of it that way. I think the nurse was walking by the room and the door was open and the curtain was pulled.
Well, John was supposed to be sick! We got a good laugh about it.

Garret said...

Well, that would have been a good cover story. The 1st time it's really the movie, the second time it's really sex. Scared to get caught sex.

Drive safe in that snow!


♥ Braja said...

She thought you were having sex and she CAME RUNNING??!!! LMAO!!! Er... couldn't she have just approached quietly and shut the door??!

Joanie said...

We didn't realize that's probably what she thought until later. I thought maybe she thought someone was getting beat up. lol

Garret, no worries about driving. I'm all snug in my house! wish i had some junk food though.

Lilly said...

LOL how funny - bet you were the talk of the nurses station. Truly I hope everything goes well for John and you get chance to rest. Its difficult and I understand. Take Care and keep smiling!!!

Queen Bee said...

I guess if you guys wanted to have sex now you could since the nurses will just assume you're watching Jackie Chan movies. Haha