Dear Hot Water Heater,
Did you HAVE to break down 2 days before Christmas? Seriously? You couldn't wait to more lousy weeks, so I could get my car insurance paid first? You really suck.
Driving very carefully for the next couple of weeks,
Dear Trey,
You are the best!!! It's so nice of you to install the hot water heater (soon please!) when we get it. I'm really glad my niece married you!!
Loves giving business to family,
Aunt Joanie
Dear Scott,
I can't believe you made the cruel remark to me at work yesterday. You insinuated I was fat. (let me tell you something, asshole. Fat people KNOW they're fat. They don't need pricks like you to remind them). Do I ask you in front of everyone we work with if your dick is still broken? Why don't you hold your breath while you wait for me to run your food for you.
Hoping your dick never works properly again,
Dear Dani,
Thanks so much for the facial when you got home from school this evening! It was awesome!!!!
Love you lots!
Dear Christmas,
I'm ready for you!!! Bring it on!
Dear Friends,
If you like Dear So and So, and want to give it a try, just pop over to Kat's Place on the other side of the pond, hook up with her Linky and add your own! It's a great way to blow off steam, and you can read lots of other letters!
If you like Dear So and So, and want to give it a try, just pop over to Kat's Place on the other side of the pond, hook up with her Linky and add your own! It's a great way to blow off steam, and you can read lots of other letters!

I yiyi, a broken water heater. Bah humbug, that's so not fair. But year for Trey for doing the installation.
As for that schmuck Scott, all I can say is @#$%^&!.
I know you're excited for Christmas-- It's almost here!
xo jj
I'd have that conversation with him in front of everyone and not just once.
Just wanted to add that Scott is a jerk!!!!! The SOB...who does he think he is???
Sorry about the busted water is probably Scott's fault!!
Uhhhhh, why would you heat hot water?
Scott is a prick.
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Oh Joanie, you made me giggle at the coworker one...don't worry..his dick won't work anymore that is why he IS ONE. hahahaa
Young Lady--
I am shocked.. I say shocked.. at your language.
oh, and f@#k Scott.
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