Dear Me,
You posted something on your blog every blessed day in November and every blessed day in December until this past Wednesday! What happened? I wonder ... if I do 3 blog posts today, will it still count for Nablopomo?
Can't believe I blew it at the end of the month,
Dear Daughter,
I love you. I will miss you when you go back to Pittsburgh today. I will NOT miss the trail of destruction that occurs every time you come home. I'm glad I don't use my living room very often, since it has become your dressing room and storage facility this week.
Happy to be getting her house back,
Dear New Owners At My Job,
I look forward to meeting you in a few weeks when you take over our restaurant. I do hope a few thing happen (or not happen as the case may be). I do hope I still have my 8 years of seniority. I do hope I still have my 3 weeks of paid vacation. I do hope your arrival makes some employees look for other work. I do hope you hire our present District Manager to oversee the Pennsylvania stores you are buying. He's a good guy. You should keep him.
Faithful employee,
Dear Trey,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for installing my hot water heater this week!! You are truly my hero! I didn't realize how inconvenient it is to not have hot water for a week! You saved me a ton of money this week and made some bucks, too, by helping me out. I can run the dishwasher now and do all the other dishes that were piling up too! Ah! And to be able to shower whenever I want and for as long as I want is truly a wonderful thing!
So glad you married my niece,
"Aunt" Joanie
Dear Readers,
Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading my blog and following me!I really do enjoy writing. I know I"ll never do it professionally (and have no desire to do so), but it's fun to get my thoughts out.
Your friend,
Dear Friends,
If you like Dear So and So, and want to give it a try, just pop over to Kat's Place on the other side of the pond, hook up with her Linky and add your own! It's a great way to blow off steam, and you can read lots of other letters!
If you like Dear So and So, and want to give it a try, just pop over to Kat's Place on the other side of the pond, hook up with her Linky and add your own! It's a great way to blow off steam, and you can read lots of other letters!

I think with all these new posts you can consider yourself caught up ladybug! Wow! Such great ones too! Love this one in particular and I'm gonna go check out the linky too since I'm like a freaking cat, just hope curiosity doesn't get the better of me too!
Hope you have a happy new year blessed with hot water throughout!
<3 Donna
Happy New Year, Joanie!
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