For the past 5 years or so, Dani's birthday gift is to go clothes shopping with me. Our plan was to go to King of Prussia Mall. Mother Nature had other ideas.
We were forecast to get a foot of snow today, starting at 7 am. I was at John's overnight, Dani at her sister, Gina's place in Delaware. I am, admittedly, a major chicken when it pertains to driving in snow.
So we compromised (which means I get to spend more money than planned). We went to Kohl's in our local mall today and will go to KOP Mall on Wednesday, my day off. A few pairs of jeans, leggings and gloves were purchased today.
The snow didn't start until around 1 pm (6 hours later than predicted), but when it did, it began to stick immediately. We finished up our few errands and I got my ass home! I baked a cake and I'll make Chicken Parmesan with linguine in a little while.
I"m already planning to call out of work tomorrow. The storm is not supposed to stop until noon or later. I"m supposed to be at work at 11 am. Not gonna happen if we get a lot of snow. I don't even care if I get written up. I've already texted one of my bosses and gave her a heads up that there is a good chance I won't be in work tomorrow.
My niece's husband was planning to drive up tonight to install my hot water heater. It's a little over an hour drive in good, dry weather. I'll be very shocked if Trey shows up tonight! I hope we don't have to wait too much longer to get the new HWH installed! It's been sitting in my garage since Christmas Eve! I'm glad it's winter and we can skip a day or so on the shower. I'll be heating up a big pot of water to sponge bathe in!
Ah, well... at least my heat and electricity works!
As an added note, Dani celebrated her birthday with her father's family on Christmas. Daddy Dearest provided the cake. The nicest one he could find. It has walnuts. Dani is allergic to all tree nuts. Why he can't remember this detail is beyond me. This is not the first time he's bought her a birthday cake with nuts. Shaking my head.
Oh! And he sent me a text on Christmas Eve to ask if Dani was going to be 20 this year. I'm pretty sure he was in attendance at her conception AND her birth. Another small detail he can't seem to remember. Again, I'm shaking my head. If this keeps up I'm going to give myself a headache.

I really hope you get your hot water heater installed really soon! It's so hard to be with out hot water!
You cracked me up with those comments about your ex not knowing she was turning 20 and that she is allergic to nuts. hhaaa Good must deserve a medal to have been married to him.
Hope that water heater is in soon!!!
I'm the same way - however miserable the weather gets, as long as the furnace is working and the pipe's aren't frozen, I'm basically happy. is bitter cold here...we got 6 inches of snow last night...the wind is cutting...hope you get that hot water heater fixed...
God, how clueless men can be! Not to know how old your own child is??? Seriously??? And not to remember her allergies??? That's just about unbelievable. Serious allergies can be truly dangerous! What kind of parent would just "forget" that? He doesn't sound fit to live! You and your kids are well rid of him!
(How your Christmas was a good one in spite of all these annoyances!)
Huddle down and stay safe Joanie. And happy birthday to Dani! Congrats to you on surviving three teens.
Stay warm...and I am a chicken when it comes to snow driving too. I hate it! Makes me sick to my stomach if I even think about it! Ha!
And you ex has some serious memory issues. Got her a cake with nuts?? Sheesh!!! What a dolt!
Wishing you a hot shower and shaved armpits soon! Stay warm.
Not remembering the allergy thing is distressing. What a friggin' moron.
Chicken Parm = YUM!
I am on your team when it comes to driving on snow/ice. Can't stand it. Even though we have 7 months of it. I do live in the wrong place. I never get used to it. Never.
Your ex husband. Why he cannot remember Dani cannot have tree nuts is unbelievable. I do believe, however, that men NEVER get it. I shake my head many times. Also, they are not good listeners.
Hope your HWH is in place by now. Happy New Year!! xoxo
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