So, is it bad that I didn't bother to put my Christmas tree up this year? Only one of my kids will be here and she's not arriving until Christmas night and will be gone before the New Year. sigh.
I am ready for Christmas, sort of. Got everything bought, but nothing is wrapped yet. I have to exchange one thing for size. If my son responded to my text while I was in the store on Sunday, I wouldn't have to do that. sigh.
I need to be on the road by 7 am on Christmas morning to make it to my daughter's house in Delaware to go to Mass with my family (the kids are staying at Gina's on Christmas Eve, since they'll be at their dad's in NJ and won't have to drive an hour and a half to my house, only to have to turn around and drive nearly an hour and a half to Gina's the next day. Gina lives maybe 30 minutes from her Dad's). I hope I wake up in time! Otherwise, I'll see them after Mass.
There's a possibility it will snow on Christmas. sigh. If it does, there's a good chance I won't be driving to Delaware on Christmas morning. And if I do make it to Gina's and it snows, there's no way in hell I'm going to my ex-in-laws with them!
I really need to stop buying stuff for myself right before Christmas. John bought me a Keurig for Christmas (I was with him when he did) and I bought a coffee pod carousel to go with it. Guess what Tim got me? Yup! A pod carousel! Guess I'm stopping at Target today to return mine! sigh.
So guess what is the ONLY receipt I can't find? Yup. The one for the pod carousel. sigh.
UPDATE: Found the receipt!! Woo hoo!!
Keely is the host for Random Tuesday Thoughts. Go check her out at The Un Mom for lots more fun Randomness!!

Oy, Target is like the only store who's stingy about returning items! Good luck and I LOVE Keurig!
I decorated a bit but also did not put up a tree this kids and grandkids aren't coming this Xmas..we saw one a few weeks ago and will go see the other family in the Tampa area in we thought it was too much work to put up the tree for just the two of I guess we are both Scrooges, right? hahaa
Hope the weather works with your travels - travel safe
Merry Christmas
Yeah for the Keurig! Did you use a debit/credit card? I believe with the card they can find the transaction without the receipt. I loved that about Target when I shopped there more frequently in Orlando. Of course if they won't take the return, I don't have a carousel..... LOL...
I'm so happy I found the Target receipt! I"ll be returning the carousel tomorrow and putting the money aside for my daughter's birthday shopping spree. Her birthday is December 26. She'll be 20... no more teens in my house! woo hoo!!
Glad you found the receipt!! Woot!!
I wanted a Keurig too! I am so jealous.
Good luck on your drive on Christmas. Hope it all works out.
Hugs and Merry Christmas
I want a Keurig but my husband doesnt'! Lucky you!
glad you found your receipt...yeah we put the boyson a moratorium on buying abt 2 months ago...on the bright side they will have all kinds of allowance in january...
Oh man, sounds like a lot of driving --- be careful and I wish you a Merry Christmas and many happy cups of coffee !! xoxo
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