"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."
"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, make this wish I wish tonight."
Don't you wish that it was that easy to make things come true for you? When I saw the word for this week, this quote and that nursery rhyme came to mind right away, as did this song from the 60s, by Dusty Springfield. I've always loved her songs. This one in particular is rather outdated and terribly old-fashioned for this day and age, but I still like it. You may remember it from the movie, My Best Friend's Wedding, but this is the original artist!
Wishin' and Hopin'
Jill, at Jillsy Girl is the host of One Word Wednesday. Every week, she gives us a word to blog. We can write a story, post a picture, a poem, a song. Whatever we want! Check her out!! You can also see what everyone else is blogging about too.

I've never heard that first quote, but I think I get it.
And, I don't think this version of the song is outdated ~ it's classic!
I was thinking more along the lines of the lyrics and doing everything you can just to get the guy to love you.
Great song... here's wishing you have a wonderful holiday!
I love Dusty! Grew up listening to her - now this one will be stuck in my head all afternoon :)
I love Dusty Springfield. And, I actively participate in believing in the appearance of my 'Something Beautiful' (usually follows a wish) in whatever form it chooses to appear.
I have experienced a far greater success rate when Wishing to attain certain feelings or states of mind than anything materially-based.
Maybe next year ...
Yes, if only wishing made it so! When I was little, the song "Wish Upon a Star" had me convinced that all I had to do was find a bright star each night, tell it my desires, and all would be granted! Ah, the foolish innocence of youth!!
I LOVE this song. Whenever I hear it, I'm singing along and wishin too.
Cheers, jj
Oh I love that song! It brings back memories... (oh no.. I'm giving away my age... ) I WISH for you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Love and Light, Nina P
I've spent my life wishing, and hoping, and being miserable. So, I just lowered all my expectations.
Ahh! If only one could wish upon a star!!
And I loved Dusty too! Her songs are classic!!
Now I've got Dusty's song stuck in my head but... that's a good thing!
Great song!
Whishing you and yours a great Christmas!
That's great song because Dusty Springfield had a great voice. Maybe the song needs the opposite guy side of things that explains all the things the guy needs to do. It is two way affair.
Hi Joanie!!!
Come and visit me! I have a surprise for you!!!!!
I found your lovely blog while hopping around and thought I would say Hi. I love the button Java has made for you, she made a new button for me too this week.I am a new follower and would love it if you could follow me back.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a fun filled new year.
Helen x
Yes, what a great song. As you've discovered I immediately thought of that song as well. My take on wishing is that it has to be coupled with an action to have any chance of becoming reality. But, wishing is still fun.
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