Like any award, this one comes with rules and they are as follows:
Post the logo on your blog.
Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude. (ok, I did 7)
Link to the nominees within your blog post.
Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.
So, without further ado, I'd love to pass this on to:
Maureen at Penny, the Baby Girl
Queenie at I'll Get There... Eventually
Jill at Jill Jill Bo Bill
Janie at Sounding Forth
Mary Ellen (aka ME) at Adopting M.E.
Gina at My Inner Monoblog
Cat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow To Let In Crazytown
These women make me laugh, they lift my spirits, and they encourage me daily. They are strong (and some are strong-willed) and they amazed me with their inner strength.
Thank you , ladies!
You've been popular this week. You deserve it. They look good on you. :)
congrats on your award!!!!
your my lemonade doll!
you have another award waiting for you go to my site and get it...have a great week-end!!!
Joanie! You are a doll! Thank you so much!!! I will do this next week!!
Thank you so much. I've been away so I will certainly pass this on sometime this week.
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