Do people really fall for this crap??
The scary thing is, James Knight really is the US Ambassador to the Benin Republic and they're using his photo in the email. If someone got this email and they weren't sure and checked out the webpage for Embassy in the Benin Republic, they'd see Ambassador Knight's photo and the email looks like it really came from the Embassy!!
Below is the email I received. This is actually the first time I've gotten this one.
ATTN: Beneficiary,
Welcome to the United States Of America Embassy Benin Republic, we are here to represent, protect the legal interest of every American and the business of every Foreigner and especially to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member country Citizens domiciled here in Cotonou, Benin Republic.
I am the consular officer in charge of Information and special duties, this is to officially inform you that this consulate received a letter from a Lottery agent that your consignment box of $2.5M have been deposited at the Benin Republic Regular Mail Post Office.
So you are kindly advised to contact the Post Office immediately and reconfirm your current home address where you want their diplomat to deliver the consignment box.
Below is what you are required to furnish them;
1. Your Full Names: .................................................
2. Your Home Address: ...........................................
3. Your Direct Cell Phone: ......................................
4. Your ID: ...............................................................
5. Your City: .............................................................
6. Your Age/Sex:.......................................................
7. Your Occupation: .................................................
Note that you must contact them today because every necessary logistics have put in place to make sure your consignment box is shipped tomorrow. Please be informed that the only money you have to pay them is their OFFICIAL STAMP DUTY FEE OF THE CONSIGNMENT BOX.
Here is the contact information of the Post Office;
PHONE: +229 9805 8774
Do remember to write us back as soon as you have paid the stamp fee, because we shall be supervising and monitoring the shipment, also, be aware, that as soon as you contact them your consignment box shall arrive your house within 48 hours, because they are using their new express delivery system.
Yours Faithfully,
Ambassador James Knight
U.S. Ambassador to Benin
Phone: (+229) 9387 6985
________________________________________ PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet

Oh how thrilling!! I can say I know a millionaire!! Woot!! Woot!
Unbelievable!!! And I hear that people fall for these things hook, line and sinker!!
Congrats!! Ha!
Buy me something!
Quit that job today!!!!!
I've often wondered how many people actually fall for this type of scam. I get at least 10 of this type of spam daily. It must be lucrative.
Publisher's Clearing House keeps saying they are going to make me a millioniare, then forgetting they said it ; -)
They had me right up to the rocket email address. I would imagine there is someone somewhere that will fall for this.
Hi Joanie!
Thanks for stopping by the Over 40 Bloggers I added your blog to the list!!
Thanks for joining the party!
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Have a great day!!
I get these all the time but most go directly to my spam folder. Can't believe these people keep trying but I guess if they got just one sucker...
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