Jillsy Girl hosts One Word Wednesday. Each week Jill asks someone to select a word and we have a week to come up with a story, a poem, a photo, a song that best describes that word. This week, the word is CONNECT. I was wondering the best way to blog about this word and then I remembered RE-connecting with some of my high school friends last winter. I hadn't seen most of these women since graduation
That's me, sitting on the far right, with my gray hair! I got rid of that gray shortly after!
We had a great time at a bar/restaurant in the old neighborhood and enjoyed lots of laughs!!!
One friend, Meg, who I've known since first grade brought her sister, Eleanor along. It was so good to see them again, because not much more than a week later, Eleanor passed away, in her sleep. She wasn't even sick. She was 51. I was glad to have been able to see her again. RIP Ellie!
Thanks to Facebook, I've been able to re-connect with quite a few of my former classmates and "kids" from my neighborhood (HA!! We're all mid to late 50s now!) . It's amazing. Some folks look exactly the same. Some look so different, I wouldn't know them if they knocked on my door!
I wanted to quickly add a Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps! November 10th is the 235th birthday of our beloved Marines! Semper Fi to the Marines, active and retired! Thank you for your service to our great country!

How cool to reconnect with schoolmates. I haven't had the pleasure of doing that.
I often wonder how they are all doing and who is still with us?
Congrats on your reunion.
FB has allowed many people to re-"connect". It's been quite a while though since I've attended a class reunion.
You and I are classmates then! I, too, graduated in 1973. But, I've never gone to a class reunion. We moved when I was going into 10th grade which was terrible time to move from up North (PA) to a small town in the South (NC). And me being somewhat introverted, I never made many friends during high school.
I have a feeling there will be quite a few posts about people and connecting!
And I am with you about FB...I love it!
Hi Joanie! I've never attended a High School Reunion ~ like Jill, I attended two high schools as we also moved when I was going into Grade 10.
Also introverted, I had a few close friends that I wondered about but no long-term connections were maintained.
Facebook has been such a blessing for the rekindling of friendships from the past. I love that it doesn't really matter how close you were 'back in the day' ~ life experience and maturity seems to make the connection so special that I feel closer to these people now than I ever did while in school.
I always enjoy your perspectives on the Wednesday Word. Thank you.
Oh, how fun! I wish I had old friends to connect with. The only ones I could connect with is probably old chums where I've worked before in my youth. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for sharing. Oh & the little tidbit on the Marines - great to know! Thanks.
How wonderful and how powerful to reconnect with those people. Sometimes time feels so poignant.
How cool that you were able to reconnect - and so sad about Eleanor. Very cool that you got to see her again before her passing. ((HUGZ!!))
I've enjoyed class reunions and they get better as the years pass because you start to realize that just being able to show up says alot.
I love it! For the past few years my classmates and I have enjoyed the same reconnections - and in some cases, just plain connecting, because like you and Maria, we never really knew each other back then. Facebook has really helped a lot with this. Such a blessing in that way! And by the way, y'all all look great!!
Wonderful post! Amazing how this connected world works. I've also re-connected with HS classmates through fb. How fun it has been to see everyone again!
Me too! Facebook has been an AWESOME tool for reconnecting with old friends! I just LOVE it! And I join you in your salute to the USMC, my husband is proud to call himself one of them!! OOh-Rah!!
That was way more than one word.
It's always nice to hear when people connect with friends they haven't seen in awhile and that the reunion was good.
Re-connecting is so wonderful! I love Facebook because it has re-connected me with so many old friends, people I thought I'd never hear from again!
I am glad you had that time with your friends.It's wonderful!!
That sounds like so much fun. I'm glad you were able to get together with them.
I'm sorry for the very premature loss of your friend.
Wow! A graduating class of 1,000? I remember those days. I started my senior year in a class of 2,067. In the middle of the year, we moved to a SCHOOL of 67 students, including fifth through 12th grades. Interestingly, I hardly knew anyone by the time I graduated.
I'm really sorry about your friend. I am glad you got to have one last good time with her before she passed away, though.
~ Yaya
That's sounds like so much fun. I would love to reconnect with some childhood friends!
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