I did something I've never done before. I wrote blog posts for the next 4 Mondays, for Monday's Music Moves Me and Musical Mondays. I downloaded songs from youtube, added lyrics (in case you are of the mind to sing along). You see, the theme for the next for weeks is Christmas Carols! I have a few favorites, so I wanted to make sure I had them all while they were fresh in my mind. You will have to wait for the next 4 Mondays to find out what they are! The only hints you get are I'm Catholic, and they're all hymns. No holly jolly Christmas songs on my blog this year (although I did think about it).
I'm going to be making another road trip to western PA before the week is out. My younger daughter is flying in from Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving (Daddy Dearest probably bought her a plane ticket) Guess who gets to pick her up on Wednesday night from Philadelphia Airport? Guess who gets to drive her to work before 11 pm on Thanksgiving night (she works at an outlet mall and they're open ALL NIGHT LONG AND IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A PARKING SPACE). Guess who gets to pick her up at 8 am or 9 am the next day, before she herself has to go to work and fight for a parking space at a different mall? And guess who gets to drive her back to Pittsburgh on Sunday?
My ex travels a lot for work, as does Maleficent (they work together... how cute), so they get lots and lots of frequent flyer miles and Marriott points. Guess who got her ex to get her a room at the Marriott for Sunday night so she doesn't have to drive to and from Pittsburgh on the same day? Score!!
Our company is being sold. The deal should be done by the end of January. This is a long story that I"ll write about when it's a done deal and we know what's happening. All of our jobs should be safe. I'm just hoping I don't lose my seniority. One thing I might lose is my 3 weeks paid vacation. It's not much, but a lot of restaurants don't give their wait staff paid vacations. My anniversary date is Feb. 11 and I have 1 week of vacation still coming to me. Guess who's taking a week in January, just in case?
My Christmas shopping has been started. I haven't started this early since my ex left. (my kids were lucky we had Christmas that year! I was not in good shape for Christmas 2005. Christmas 2004 was no picnic either.) Anyway, the kids know my budget and are staying within it. My son keeps telling me he doesn't want anything for Christmas. Not gonna happen!!! The girls? They have no problem coming up with ideas for me! To top it off, my youngest has a birthday on December 26. Guess who won't have any teenagers starting on that date? Hard to believe that Danielle will be 20!
Guess who is the host for Random Tuesday Thoughts? That's right! It's Keely!! Go check her out at The Un Mom for lots more fun Randomness!!

Wow, you're going to be a busy little bee flitting around in your car for a while, aren't you? But hey, congrats for scoring the Marriott room! Ex-es can be good for something, sometimes, I'm told.
For what it's worth, I love the old hymnal Christmas songs too.
Guess who's commenting on the blog? Me, that's right. ;-)
Congrats on not having frickin' teens! Sorry to hear about all the driving you'll be doing. Yikes!
Christmas shopping. Don't hate me; I'm nearly done. But that's probably not true. I've probably forgotten to buy for half a dozen folks, so rest assured that I'll be scrambling on Dec. 23 to buy more things.
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